Resultados: 68

The clinical and economic impact of point-of-care CD4 testing in mozambique and other resource-limited settings: a cost-effectiveness analysis

PloS med; 11 (9), 2014
Background: Point-of-care CD4 tests at HIV diagnosis could improve linkage to care in resource-limited settings. Our objective is to evaluate the clinical and economic impact of point-of-care CD4 tests compared to laboratory-based tests in Mozambique. Methods and findings: We use a validated model of HIV...

Evolution of primary HIV drug resistance in a subtype C dominated epidemic in Mozambique
Evolution of primary HIV drug resistance in a subtype C dominated epidemic in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 8 (7), 2013
Em Moçambique, o tratamento anti-retroviral altamente activo (HAART) foi introduzido em 2004, seguido de descentralização e expansão, resultando num aumento de mais de 20 vezes na cobertura até 2009. A implementação de inquéritos sobre limiares de resistência aos medicamentos contra o VIH (HIVDR...

Routine data from prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) HIV testing not yet ready for HIV surveillance in Mozambique: a retrospective analysis of matched test results

BMC infect. dis; 13 (244), 2013
Mozambique through the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program. If routine data from this program were of sufficient quality, their heightened coverage and continuous availability could complement or even replace biannual sentinel serosurveys that currently serve as the primary HIV sur...

Determinants of prevalent HIV infection and late HIV diagnosis among young women with two or more sexual partners in Beira, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 8 (5), 2013
Background: The prevalence and determinants of HIV and late diagnosis of HIV in young women in Beira, Mozambique, were estimated in preparation for HIV prevention trials. Methods: An HIV prevalence survey was conducted between December 2009 and October 2012 among 1,018 women aged 18-35 with two or more ...

Routine data from prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) HIV testing not yet ready for HIV surveillance in Mozambique: a retrospective analysis of matched test results

BMC infect. dis; 13 (96), 2013
Background: Opt-out HIV testing is offered at 70% of antenatal care (ANC) clinics in Mozambique through the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program. If routine data from this program were of sufficient quality, their heightened coverage and continuous availability could complement or e...

Opportunities and challenges for cost-efficient implementation of new point-of-care diagnostics for hiv and tuberculosis

J. infect. dis; 205 (2), 2012
Stakeholders agree that supporting high-quality diagnostics is essential if we are to continue to make strides in the fight against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis. Despite the need to strengthen existing laboratory infrastructure, which includes expanding and developing new laborator...

Evaluation of a High-Throughput Diagnostic System for Detection of HIV-1 in Dried Blood Spot Samples from Infants in Mozambique

J. clin. microbiol; 50 (4), 2012
We performed a comparative analysis between Roche Amplicor HIV-1 DNA test and CAPTAQ assay for the detection of HIV in 830 dried blood spot (DBS) pediatric samples collected in Mozambique. Our results demonstrated no statistical difference between these assays. The CAPTAQ assay approached nearly 100% rep...

High prevalence of symptomatic acute HIV infection in an outpatient ward in southern Mozambique: identification and follow-up

AIDS (Lond.); 24 (4), 2010
To determine the prevalence of acute HIV infection (AHI) within the HIV-seronegative adult population presenting with reported fever in a district hospital in southern Mozambique and evaluate clinical, immunological and virological parameters of AHI. Design: This is a prospective observational study. ...