Resultados: 1520

Retention in Care and Virological Failure among Adult HIV-Positive Patients on First-Line Antiretroviral Treatment in Maputo, Mozambique

Viruses; 15 (10), 2023
Access to antiretroviral treatment (ART) is increasingly available worldwide; however, the number of patients lost to follow-up and number of treatment failures continue to challenge most African countries. Objectives: To analyse the retention in clinical care and the virological response and their asso...

Changing patterns in the burden of paediatric injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic: a study in Mozambique’s central hospitals

Introdução: Há um corpo substancial de conhecimento sobre os efeitos da pandemia de COVID-19 nas lesões, mostrando reduções frequentes, mas inconsistentes, tanto no volume quanto no padrão. No entanto, estudos especificamente direcionados a crianças são menos comuns, principalmente em países de...

Efficacy and safety of pyronaridine-artesunate (PYRAMAX) for the treatment of P. falciparum uncomplicated malaria in African pregnant women (PYRAPREG): study protocol for a phase 3, non-inferiority, randomised open-label clinical trial

BMJ Open; 13 (10), 2023
Malaria infection during pregnancy increases the risk of low birth weight and infant mortality and should be prevented and treated. Artemisinin-based combination treatments are generally well tolerated, safe and effective; the most used being artemether-lumefantrine (AL) and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquin...

Favorable Impact of Community Adherence Support Groups on Retention in Care and Viral Suppression Rates Among Persons with HIV Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy in Mozambique

AIDS res. hum. retrovir; 39 (10), 2023
The community adherence support group (CASG) was one of the first differentiated service delivery (DSD) models introduced in Mozambique. This study assessed the impact of this model on retention in care, loss to follow-up (LTFU), and viral suppression among antiretroviral therapy (ART)-treated adults in ...

Examining comorbidities in children with diarrhea across four provinces of Mozambique: A cross-sectional study (2015 to 2019)

PLos ONE; 14(1) (), 2023
Comorbidities are defined as the simultaneous occurrence of two or more diseases within the same individual. Comorbidities can delay a patient's recovery and increase the costs of treatment. Assessing comorbidities can provide local health care policy-makers with evidence of the most common multi-health ...

Interpersonal communication, cultural norms, and community perceptions associated with care-seeking for fever among children under age five in Magoé district, Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 22 (279), 2023
Background: Malaria is endemic throughout Mozambique, contributing significantly to the country's burden of disease. Prompt and effective treatment for fevers in children can limit the mortality and morbidity impacts of the disease but many children in the country are not taken for formal care when ill. ...

The Infomóvel-An information system for managing HIV/AIDS patients in rural areas of Mozambique

Mobile health is gradually revolutionizing the way medical care is delivered worldwide. In Mozambique, a country with a high human immunodeficiency virus prevalence, where antiretroviral treatment coverage is 77% accompanied by a 67% of retention rate, the use of mobile health technology may boost the an...

Perfil clinico-epidemiológico e factores associados à não supressão viral em pacientes vivendo com hiv/sida assistidos no centro integrado de tratamento no hospital militar de maputo (citra/hmm), 2019 à 2020
Clinical-epidemiological profile and factors associated with viral non-suppression in patients living with hiv/aids assisted at the integrated treatment center at the maputo military hospital (citra/hmm), 2019 to 2020

: Introdução: O HIV e SIDA é um problema de saúde pública global, responsável por cerca de 32.7 milhões de mortes de doenças relacionadas à SIDA desde o início da epidemia até o final de 2019, comprometendo a saúde, a força de produção e produtividade. Esse cenário tende a ser mais grave,...

Efeitos dasMedidas restritivas de combate à covid-19 no cumprimento das rotinas de tratamento do hiv no centro de saúde de moamba
Effects of restrictive measures to combat covid-19 on compliance with hiv treatment routines at the moamba health center

Em países economicamente fragilizados, com alta prevalência de infecções por vírus de imunodeficiência humana, as medidas de saúde pública e administrativas adoptadas para prevenir, controlar e conter a propagação da pandemia da COVID-19 representaram ameaça às actividades de controlo e manej...

Polyclonal Multidrug ESBL-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Emergence of Susceptible Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae ST23 Isolates in Mozambique

Globally, antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella spp. cause healthcare-associated infections with high mortality rates, and the rise of hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae (hvKp) poses a significant threat to human health linked to community-acquired infections and increasing non-susceptibility. We investigated...