Total: 1827

Multi-site cholera surveillance within the African Cholera Surveillance Network shows endemicity in Mozambique, 2011-2015

Plos negl. trop. dis; 11 (10), 2017
Background: Mozambique suffers recurrent annual cholera outbreaks especially during the rainy season between October to March. The African Cholera Surveillance Network (Africhol) was implemented in Mozambique in 2011 to generate accurate detailed surveillance data to support appropriate interventions for...

Relatório Semestral 2017 Relatório Semestral das Actividades Relacionadas ao HIV/SIDA

O Programa Nacional de Controlo (PNC) de ITS-HIV/SIDA é a entidade do Serviço Nacional de Saúde responsável pela gestão dos serviços de saúde relacionados ao HIV. A sua missão é de coordenar, regulamentar e prestar cuidados e tratamento às pessoas vivendo com HIV. Para responder de forma estrat...

Perfil socio-económico e de comportamento de adolescentes com perdas dentárias, residentes no distrito municipal nlhamankulu, na cidade de maputo: janeiro e fevereiro de 2016

As perdas dentárias afectam a mastigação, a fonação e causam danos estéticos, com repercussões negativas no quotidiano das pessoas e auto-estima. O estudo, analisou o perfil sócio-económico e comportamental de adolescentes com perdas dentárias, residentes no Distrito Nlhamankulu, Cidade de Mapu...

Multiplexing detection of IgG against Plasmodium falciparum pregnancy-specific antigens

PLos ONE; 12 (7), 2017
Background: Pregnant women exposed to Plasmodium falciparum generate antibodies against VAR2CSA, the parasite protein that mediates adhesion of infected erythrocytes to the placenta. There is a need of high-throughput tools to determine the fine specificity of these antibodies that can be used to identif...

Performance characteristics of finger-stick dried blood spots (DBS) on the determination of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatment failure in a pediatric population in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 12 (7), 2017
Quantitative plasma viral load (VL) at 1000 copies /mL was recommended as the threshold to confirm antiretroviral therapy (ART) failure by the World Health Organization (WHO). Because of ongoing challenges of using plasma for VL testing in resource-limited settings (RLS), especially for children, this st...

Global general pediatric surgery partnership: The UCLA-Mozambique ex-perience

J. pediatr. surg; 59 (9), 2017
There has been increasing recognition of the disparities in surgical care throughout the world. Increasingly, efforts are being made to improve local infrastructure and training of surgeons in low-income settings. The purpose of this study was to review the first 5-years of a global aca-demic pediatric g...

First serological evidence of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever in febrile patients in Mozambique

Int. j. infect. dis; 62 (), 2017
Objective: Despite its geographical spread, the epidemiology of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) in Sub-Saharan Africa is incompletely understood and its occurrence in Mozambique is unknown. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the occurrence of CCHF virus (CCHFV) among febrile p...

Fatores de risco para lesões cervicais e câncer cervical em Mulheres com diagnóstico citológico de células escamosas Atípicas, maputo-moçambique, 2013 - 2015
Risk factors for cervical lesions and cervical cancer in women with cytological diagnosis of atypical squamous cells, maputo-mozambique, 2013 - 2015

Introdução: O diagnóstico e o rastreamento das lesões cervicais são de suma importância. O método padrão de rastreamento do câncer do colo do útero e de suas lesões precursoras é o exame citológico pelo método de Papanicolaou. Objetivos: Estimar a prevalência das lesões cervicais de baixo...

Effect of Community ART Groups on retention-in-care among patients on ART in Tete Province, Mozambique: a cohort study

BMJ Open; 7 (8), 2017
Objectives Estimate the effect of participation in Community ART Groups (CAG) versus individual care on retention-in-care (RIC) on antiretroviral therapy (ART). Design Retrospective cohort study. Setting High levels of attrition (death or loss-to-follow-up (LTFU) combined) on ART indicate that delivery...

Antibiotics resistance in El Tor Vibrio cholerae 01 isolated during cholera outbreaks in Mozambique from 2012 to 2015

PLOS ONE 12 (8); 12 (8), 2017
Rationale: Mozambique has recorded cyclically epidemic outbreaks of cholera. Antibiotic therapy is recommended in specific situations for management and control of cholera outbreaks. However, an increase in resistance rates to antibiotics by Vibrio cholerae has been reported in several epidemic outbreaks...