Resultados: 1530

Formação de Técnicos Médios de Administração Hospitalar: Integração dos estudantes a instituicão de formação
Training of Medium Technicians of Hospital Administration: Integration of students to training institution

O presente manual faz parte do currículo de formação inicial do curso de Técnico de Administração Hospitalar de nível médio baseado em competências, o qual consiste em quatro semestres lectivos, sendo de carácter teórico-prático em sala de aula e no laboratório humanístico e multidisciplina...

Prevenção e controlo de doenças orais e do noma como intervenções essenciais contra as doenças não transmissíveis
Prevention and control of oral diseases and as essential interventions against against non-communicable diseases

Uma boa saúde oral é uma das condições essenciais para se viver bem. A saúde oral é fundamental para a capacidade de respirar, comer, engolir, falar e mesmo sorrir. O comprometimento destas funções pode interferir seriamente com a capacidade de interagir com os outros, frequentar a escola e traba...

Low paediatric tuberculosis case detection rate in Southern Mozambique
Low paediatric tuberculosis case detection rate in Southern Mozambique

Eur. respir. j; 47 (3), 2016
Two core indicators adopted for evaluating tuberculosis (TB) control programmes are treatment outcome and case detection rate (CDR). While the former is easy to report, the CDR can only be estimated (calculated as notifications of new and relapse cases divided by estimated incidence). According to the Wo...

Poor tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Southern Mozambique (2011-2012)

BMC infect. dis; 16 (), 2016
Background: In Mozambique, there is limited data regarding the monitoring of Tuberculosis (TB) treatment results and determinants of adverse outcomes under routine surveillance conditions. The objectives of this study were to evaluate treatment outcomes among TB patients, analyze factors associated with ...

Assessment of the safety of antimalarial drug use during early pregnancy (ASAP): protocol for a multicenter prospective cohort study in Burkina Faso, Kenya and Mozambique

Reprod. health; 12 (112), 2015
Background: A major unresolved safety concern for malaria case management is the use of artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs) in the first trimester of pregnancy. There is a need for human data to inform policy makers and treatment guidelines on the safety of artemisinin combination therapies (ACT) wh...

Reducing mortality in HIV-infected infants and achieving the 90-90-90 target through innovative diagnosis approaches

J. int. aids soc; 18 (6), 2015
Introduction: Despite significant gains in access to early infant diagnosis (EID) over the past decade, most HIV-exposed infants still do not get tested for HIV in the first two months of life. For those who are tested, the long turnaround time between when the sample is drawn and when the results are re...

Sleeping arrangements and mass distribution of bed nets in six districts in central and northern Mozambique

Trop. med. int. health; 20 (12), 2015
Objective: Universal coverage with insecticide-treated bed nets is a cornerstone of modern malaria control. Mozambique has developed a novel bed net allocation strategy, where the number of bed nets allocated per household is calculated on the basis of household composition and assumptions about who slee...

Impact and Cost of the HIV/AIDS National Strategic Plan for Mozambique, 2015-2019--Projections with the Spectrum/Goals Model

PLos ONE; 10 (11), 2015
Mozambique continues to face a severe HIV epidemic and high cost for its control, largely born by international donors. We assessed feasible targets, likely impact and costs for the 2015-2019 national strategic HIV/AIDS plan (NSP). Methods: The HIV epidemic and response was modelled in the Spectrum/Goal...

Infecções invasivas por salmonella entre crianças da zona rural de moçambique, 2001–2014

Clin. infect. dis; 61 (4), 2015
Invasive nontyphoidal Salmonella (iNTS) has emerged as a cause of bacteremia in African children and HIV-infected adults, which is associated with high mortality. Epidemiological data and burden of iNTS infections in resource-constrained settings are needed to better define preventive and curative strate...