Resultados: 1300

Inquérito integrado biológico e comportamental entre mulheres trabalhadoras de sexo, moçambique 2011–2012: relatorio final
Integrated Biological and Behavior among Women Sex Workers, Mozambique 2011–2012

O Plano Estratégico Nacional de HIV e SIDA de Moçambique (PEN III) considera as Mulheres Trabalhadoras de Sexo (MTS) um grupo prioritário para intervenções para prevenir o HIV, pela sua elevada vulnerabilidade à infecção pelo HIV. O Inquérito Integrado Biológico e comportamental entre Mulheres ...

Percursos das mães na procura de medicamentos para doenças em menores de cinco anos, num mercado farmacológico múltiplo na cidade de xai-xai, em moçambique

presente estudo faz uma análise dos percursos das mães na procura de medicamentos para doenças em menores de cinco anos, na cidade de Xai-Xai em Moçambique. Dados etnográficos recolhidos em Xai-Xai, o estudo revela que na procura de respostas para as doenças dos seus filhos, num contexto de plurali...

Trends in Prevalence of HIV-1 Drug Resistance in a Public Clinic in Maputo, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 7 (9), 2012
Background Anobservational study was conducted in Maputo, Mozambique, to investigate trends in prevalence of HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) in antiretroviral (ART) naïve subjects initiating highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART). Methodology/Principal Findings Toevaluate the pattern of drug resis...

First report of occult hepatitis B infection amongARTnaïveHIVseropositive individuals in Maputo, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 7 (9), 2012
Background: The prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Mozambique is one of the highest in the world, though in spite of this the prevalence of occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) is unknown. Objectives: This study was conducted with the aim to ...

HBV infection in untreated HIV-infected adults in Maputo, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 7 (9), 2012
Background HIV/ HBVcoinfected patients are at high risk of developing chronic HBV infection, liver cir rhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In Mozambique, where HIV prevalence is one of the highest in the world, HIV-infected patients are scarcely characterized in terms of HBV coin fection and 3TC-resista...

Evolution of primary HIV drug resistance in a subtype C dominated epidemic in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 7 (9), 2012
Objective: InMozambique, highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) was introduced in 2004 followed by decentralizationandexpansion, resulting inamorethan20-fold increase incoverageby2009. ImplementationofHIV drugresistancethresholdsurveys (HIVDR-TS) iscrucial inorder tomonitor theemergenceof transmi...

Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype is associated with HIV infection in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 7 (9), 2012
The Beijing genotype is a lineage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis that is distributed worldwide and responsible for large epidemics, associated with multidrug-resistance. However, its distribution in Africa is less understood due to the lack of data. Our aim was to investigate the prevalence and possible t...

Representações Sociais de Doença Mental: Um Estudo Exploratório com Leigos, Profissionais de Saúde e Curandeiros em Maputo

What is now referred to by western societies as mental illness, was - and in some way still is – understood along the centuries using different interpretations. Associated with each of these interpretations are specifically, an historic moment, and cultural meanings vast and complex. The concentrati...

A cross-sectional study of sub-clinical Plasmodium falciparum infection in HIV-1 infected and uninfected populations in Mozambique, South-Eastern Africa

Malar. j. (Online); 11 (252), 2012
Background: Plasmodium falciparum and HIV-1 infection cause substantial morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. Increasing evidence suggests these two pathogens interact negatively when infecting the same individual. Methods: A cross-sectional study among HIV-1 infected and uninfected populations...