Resultados: 1530

Estratégia de comunicação para a mudança social e de comportamento para a prevenção da desnutrição em moçambique 2015-2019

Os elevados e persistentes níveis de desnutrição em Moçambique estão bem documentados. De acordo com o Inquérito Demográfico de Saúde (IDS) 2011, a prevalência da desnutrição crónica entre crianças menores de cinco anos é de 43% e está estreitamente correlacionada ao estado nutricional das...

Temporal Trends in Patient Characteristics and Outcomes Among Children Enrolled in Mozambique's National Antiretroviral Therapy Program

Pediatr. infect. dis. j; 34 (8), 2015
During 2004-2009, >12,000 children (<15 years old) initiated antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Mozambique. Nationally representative outcomes and temporal trends in outcomes were investigated. Methods: Rates of death, loss to follow-up (LTFU) and attrition (death or LTFU) were evaluated in a nationally re...

Incidence of Tuberculosis Among Young Children in Rural Mozambique

Pediatr. infect. dis. j; 34 (7), 2015
Tuberculosis (TB) contributes significantly to child morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to estimate the minimum community-based incidence rate of TB among children <3 years of age in Southern Mozambique. Methods: Between October 2011 and October 2012, in the Manhiça District Health and Demographi...

Pathological Methods Applied to the Investigation of Causes of Death in Developing Countries: Minimally Invasive Autopsy Approach

PLos ONE; 10 (6), 2015
Background and aims: Complete diagnostic autopsies (CDA) remain the gold standard in the determination of cause of death (CoD). However, performing CDAs in developing countries is challenging due to limited facilities and human resources, and poor acceptability. We aimed to develop and test a simplified ...

The availability of essential medicines for mental healthcare in Sofala, Mozambique

Global health action; 8 (27942), 2015
Objective: We assessed the availability of essential medicines for mental healthcare (MH) across levels of the public healthcare system to aid in future systems planning. Design: Non-expired MH medications were assessed in 24 public health facilities and 13 district warehouses across Sofala Province, Moz...

Prevalência do Antígeno de Superfície do Vírus da Hepatite B em Mulheres em Idade Fértil na Cidade de Maputo

O Vírus da Hepatite B (HBV) infecta 2 biliões de indivíduos no mundo, dos quais 400 milhões transformam-se em portadores crónicos e um milhão morre por ano. De acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), a hepatite B é endémica em Moçambique, onde espera-se que a prevalência seja igual ...

Prevalência da infecção pelo vírus de hepatite b (hbv), em indivíduos inectados pelo vírus de imunodificiência humana (hiv), atendidos no centro de saúde de polana caniço; maputo – moçambique

A infecção pelo HBV é um problema de saúde pública em muitos países, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Esta infecção pode levar à doença crónica hepática, a cirrose e câncer do fígado. A co-infecção com oHIV, tem agravado o peso da doença pois esses vírus compartilham o mes...

Epidemic waves of cholera in the last two decades in Mozambique

J. infect. dev. ctries; 9 (6), 2015
Introduction: Africa is increasingly affected by cholera. In Mozambique, cholera appeared in the early 1970s when the seventh pandemic entered Africa from the Indian subcontinent. In the following decades, several epidemics were registered in the country, the 1997–1999 epidemic being the most extended....

Characteristics, complications, and gaps in evidence-based interventions in rheumatic heart disease: the Global Rheumatic Heart Disease Registry (the REMEDY study)

Eur. heart j; 36 (18), 2015
Aims: Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) accounts for over a million premature deaths annually; however, there is little contemporary information on presentation, complications, and treatment. Methods and results: This prospective registry enrolled 3343 patients (median age 28 years, 66.2% female) presenting ...