Resultados: 3

Susceptibility antibiotic screening reveals high rates of multidrug resistance of Salmonella, Shigella and Campylobacter in HIV infected and uninfected patients from Mozambique

BMC infect. dis; 23 (225), 2023
Methods: We conducted antibiotic susceptibility testing on 157 stool isolates recovered from 129 patients aged between 0 and 80 years with diarrhea, including HIV infected (n = 68) and-uninfected individuals (n = 61), assisted at two health centers in Maputo city. The isolates comprised of 99 Salmonella,...

Terapêutica Medicamentosa e Fitoterapia da COVID-19: Relevância para Moçambique
COVID-19 Drug Therapeutics and Phytotherapy: Relevance to Mozambique

Introdução: Desde o surgimento da pandemia da COVID-19 até 26 de Abril de 2022, houve 508 041 253 casos confirmados, incluindo 6 224 220 óbitos. A África contava, na altura, com 8 727 503 casos confirmados e 171 603 óbitos, enquanto Moçambique contabilizava 225 366 casos e 2 201 óbitos. Esta revi...

High Fecal Contamination and High Levels of Antibiotic-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Water Consumed in the City of Maputo, Mozambique

In the city of Maputo, Mozambique, food and water are often sold on the streets. Street water is packaged, distributed, and sold not paying attention to good hygienic practices, and its consumption is often associated with the occurrence of diarrheal diseases. Coincidentally, the increase of diarrheal di...