Resultados: 5

The Infomóvel-An information system for managing HIV/AIDS patients in rural areas of Mozambique

Mobile health is gradually revolutionizing the way medical care is delivered worldwide. In Mozambique, a country with a high human immunodeficiency virus prevalence, where antiretroviral treatment coverage is 77% accompanied by a 67% of retention rate, the use of mobile health technology may boost the an...

Reasons for non-disclosure of HIV-Positive status to healthcare providers: a mixed methods study in Mozambique
Reasons for non-disclosure of HIV-Positive status to healthcare providers: a mixed methods study in Mozambique

BMC health serv. res.; 23 (1), 2023
Background: Non-disclosure of known HIV status by people living with HIV but undergoing HIV testing leads to waste of HIV testing resources and distortion of estimates of HIV indicators. In Mozambique, an estimated one-third of persons who tested positive already knew their HIV-positive status. To our kn...

Evaluation of the Mozambique Antiretroviral Therapy (MozART) database as an antiretroviral therapy patient surveillance sys
Evaluation of the Mozambique Antiretroviral Therapy (MozART) database as an antiretroviral therapy patient surveillance sys

Pan Afr. med. j; 42 (137), 2022
Mozambique antiretroviral therapy is a database used to monitor patients receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART). This study's objective was to evaluate the system for the purpose to monitor patients receiving ART. data from 287,052 patients who started ART from January to December 2017 were verified, a...

Evaluation of the multidrug-resistant tuberculosis surveillance system in Maputo City, Mozambique in the period 2017-2018

Pan Afr. med. j; 41 (), 2022
Introduction: multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) remains a public health problem worldwide. In Mozambique, cases of MDR-TB have increased annually. In 2018, 1,206 cases were reported, as compared to 943 cases in 2017. The aim of this study was to assess the surveillance system for multidrug-resist...

The preoperative risk tool SURPAS accurately predicts outcomes in emergency surgery

Am. j. surg; 222 (3), 2021
O Sistema de Avaliação Pré-operatória de Risco Cirúrgico (SURPAS) utiliza oito variáveis para prever com precisão complicações pós-operatórias , mas não foi suficientemente estudado em cirurgia de emergência. Avaliamos o SURPAS em cirurgia de emergência, comparando-o com o Emergency Surgery...