Resultados: 2

Terapêutica Medicamentosa e Fitoterapia da COVID-19: Relevância para Moçambique
COVID-19 Drug Therapeutics and Phytotherapy: Relevance to Mozambique

Introdução: Desde o surgimento da pandemia da COVID-19 até 26 de Abril de 2022, houve 508 041 253 casos confirmados, incluindo 6 224 220 óbitos. A África contava, na altura, com 8 727 503 casos confirmados e 171 603 óbitos, enquanto Moçambique contabilizava 225 366 casos e 2 201 óbitos. Esta revi...

In-vivo efficacy of chloroquine to clear asymptomatic infections in mozambican adults: a randomized, placebo-controlled Trial with Implications for Elimination Strategies

Recent reports regarding the re-emergence of parasite sensitivity to chloroquine call for a new consideration of this drug as an interesting complementary tool in malaria elimination efforts, given its good safety profile and long half-life. A randomized (2:1), single-blind, placebo-controlled trial was ...