Resultados: 6

Reaching Men and Young Adults in a Pharmacy-Based HIV Self-Testing Strategy: Results from an Acceptability Study in Mozambique

AIDS res. hum. retrovir; 38 (8), 2022
HIV self-testing (HIVST) is a WHO-recommended strategy to increase testing, especially among key populations, men, and young adults. Between May and December 2019, a pilot was implemented in Zambézia province, Mozambique, allowing clients to purchase HIV self-tests in 14 public/private pharmacies. The s...

Plano estratégico da anarme, ip 2022-2026
anarme, ip strategic plan 2022-2026

Moçambique é um país localizado na costa sul oriental da África Austral, com uma superfície total de 799,380 Km2 dividida, administrativamente, em Províncias, Distritos, Postos Administrativos e Localidades. Faz limites: a norte, Tanzânia, a noroeste, Malawi e Zâmbia, a Oeste, Zimbabwe, África d...

Avaliação da Prevalência da Automedicação e Factores Associados a Sua Prática em utentes de farmácias na Cidade de Maputo no período de 2011-2012
Evaluation of the Prevalence of Self-Medication and Factors Associated with Its Practice in users of pharmacies in Maputo City in the period 2011-2012

Introdução: A automedicação é uma prática comum a nível global. Em Moçambique, um estudo realizado em 2017 indicou que 54% dos consumidores adquiriu os medicamentos sem receita médica. Existem poucos estudos sobre os factores associados a esta prática em Moçambique. O objectivo deste estudo, f...

Communicative trust in therapeutic encounters: users’ experiences in public healthcare facilities and community pharmacies in Maputo, Mozambique

Soc. sci. med; 291 (114512), 2021
Interactions between healthcare users and providers are an essential but often problematic element in therapeutic processes. In many settings worldwide, there has been a general recognition of the importance of adopting care approaches that understand patients as active agents, moving away from tradition...

Access to and use of health and social services among people who inject drugs in two urban areas of Mozambique, 2014: qualitative results from a formative assessment

BMC public health (Online); 20 (975), 2020
Background: Prior to 2014, data about health seeking behaviors or service uptake for People who inject drugs (PWID) in Mozambique did not exist. We present the results from the formative assessment component of the Biological and Behavioral Survey (BBS). Methods: Standardized interview guides were used d...

Patterns of self-medication with antibiotics in Maputo City: a qualitative study

Background: Mozambique classifies but does not yet enforce antibiotics as prescription-only-medicine (POM) allowing the public access to a variety of antibiotics that otherwise are provided on prescription. This contributes to the growing practice of self-medication with antibiotics (SMA) which systemati...