Resultados: 4

HAM/TSP-derived HTLV-1-infected T cell lines promote morphological and functional changes in human astrocytes cell lines: possible role in the enhanced T cells recruitment into Central Nervous System

Virol. j; 165 (12), 2015
Abstract Background: The mechanisms through which HTLV-1 leads to and maintains damage in the central nervous system of patients undergoing HTLV-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) are still poorly understood. In recent years, increasing evidence indicates that, not only lympho...

Perfil imunológico, virológico e expressão de CD38 pelas células TCD8; dos pacientes monoinfectados HIV-1 positivos e coinfectados HIV/TB seguidos no centro de saúde da polana caniço

Segundo OMS, em 2013 aproximadamente 35 milhões de pessoas no Mundo estavam infectadas pelo HIV e destes, aproximadamente 24,7 milhões viviam na África Subsariana. Em Moçambique, a prevalência é de 11,5% na população com 15-49 anos de idade. O aumento da prevalência do HIV na década de 80, prov...

Impact of elevated maternal HIV viral load at delivery on T-cell populations in HIV exposed uninfected infants in Mozambique

: HIV-uninfected infants born to HIV-infected mothers (HIV-exposed uninfected, HEU) have been described to have immune alterations as compared to unexposed infants. This study sought to characterize T-cell populations after birth in HEU infants and unexposed infants living in a semirural area in southern...

RTS, S/AS02A malaria vaccine does not induce parasite CSP T cell epitope selection and reduces multiplicity of infection

PLoS clin. trials; 1 (5), 2006
The candidate malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS02A is a recombinant protein containing part of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) sequence of Plasmodium falciparum, linked to the hepatitis B surface antigen and formulated in the proprietary adjuvant system AS02A. In a recent trial conducted in children younger th...