Resultados: 4

Sociodemographic characteristics of professional categories most affected by COVID-19 in Mozambique from March to July 2020

Pan Afr. med. j; 43 (155), 2022
The risk of a worker becoming ill due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is related to occupational exposure to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Due to the need to restore work activities in Mozambique, the study was conducted with the aim of identifying the occupational ...

Ready to deliver maternal and newborn care? Health providers’ perceptions of their work context in rural Mozambique

Global health action; 11 (1), 2018
Background: Deficiencies in the provision of evidence-based obstetric care are common in low-income countries, including Mozambique. Constraints relate to lack of human and financial resources and weak health systems, however limited resources alone do not explain the variance. Understanding the healthca...

Directriz para engajamento do homem nos cuidados de Saúde

A Organização Mundial de Saúde reporta que em várias partes do mundo os indicadores de saúde dos homens e rapazes são mais baixos quando comparado com o das mulheres e raparigas. Todavia, estas disparidades têm recebido pouca atenção dos programas de saúde nacionais, regionais, globais e dos pr...

Workplace violence in the road passeger transport sector in Maputi cinty, Mozambique: extent, causes, consequences and prevention

Background: Every year millions of workers around the world are victims of workplace violence (WPV). Globally, WPV is a major occupational health and safety hazard, and it has been regarded as a public health problem. There is no WPV preventive program specifically designed for low-income countries (LICs...