Results: 25

Facteurs de risque et étiologies des AVC de l’adulte jeune au CHU de Bogodogo à Ouagadougou
Risk factors and etiologies of stroke in young adults in Bogodogo university hospital, Ouagadougou

Mali Médical; 28 (3), 2022
Introduction: Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) sont des pathologies graves survenant le plus souvent chez le sujet âgé. Le but de ce travail était d’étudier les facteurs de risque et les étiologies de l’AVC de l’adulte jeune. Patients et méthodes : Il s’est agi d’une étude tra...

Fighting COVID-19 and HIV through community mobilisation: lessons from an integrated approach to the Africa CDC Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing (PACT) initiative in seven countries

Recent literature has shown how the HIV architecture, including community systems, has been critical for fighting COVID-19 in many countries, while sustaining the HIV response. Innovative initiatives suggest that fostering the integration of health services would help address the colliding pandemics. How...

Contemporary prevalence and predictors of anxiety among patients living with HIVAIDS in Ghana

Ghana Medical Journal; 56 (3), 2022
Objectives: To identify the prevalence and associated factors of anxiety in people living with HIV/AIDS in a tertiary centre in Ghana. Design: The study employed a cross-sectional design. Setting: The study was conducted in the outpatient HIV clinic of a tertiary hospital. Participants: Participants were...

Current use and perceived barriers of emergency point-of-care ultrasound by African health care practitioners

Introduction: The African Federation of Emergency Medicine (AFEM) recommends the use of emergency point-of-care ultrasound (ePOCUS) as a core skill for health care practitioners in Africa. The study explored the use of ePOCUS by health care practitioners among AFEM members who work across Africa. Methods...

Child disability and family-centred care in East Africa: Perspectives from a workshop with stakeholders and health practitioners

Our understanding of child disability has undergone major changes over the last three decades transforming our approach to assessment and management. Globally there are significant gaps in the application of these 21st century models of care. There is recognition that economic, cultural, and social fact...

Risk communication and community engagement in COVID-19: Fighting infodemics among non-governmental/community-based organizations in Africa

As the world battles the latest strain of the coronavirus known as COVID-19 characterized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), “infodemics” – an excessive amount of (mostly untrue) information about the pandemic that makes it difficult to discern essential information – has been ...

COVID-19 imported cases and severity: expected information from genomic characterization of SARS-CoV-2 strains in Mozambique

J. infect. dev. ctries; 15 (12), 2021
Introduction: The novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), etiological agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first reported in China in December 2019 and spread worldwide. As of March 6th, 2021, there have been 116,670,105 million confirmed cases globall...

African countries established COVID-19 testing in one month: Here’s how they did it

Background: As a novel and deadly acute respiratory syndrome, which later became known as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), spread beyond China in late January 2020, there were no laboratories in Africa that could test for the disease. However, in early March, just over a month later, 42 African count...

Cancer de la prostate chez le sujet de race noire en Côte d’Ivoire
Prostate cancer in the black subjectin Côte d’Ivoire

RÉSUMÉ Contexte. L’incidence croissante de l’adénocarcinome prostatique en Afrique noire pose la problématique de sa caractérisation tant au niveau épidémiologique, clinique que thérapeutique. But : Identifi er le profi l clinico-biologique et les options thérapeutiques actuelles dans le ser...

Os Dilemas Bioéticos do Impacto da COVID-19 nos Sistemas de Saúde Africanos
The Bioethical Dilemmas of the Impact of COVID-19 on Systems African Health More about

A partir de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os efeitos da pandemia da COVID-19, o artigo apresenta e analisa os dilemas bioéticos que surgem da necessidade de dedicar mais recursos sanitários ao controlo da mesma. Os esforços por controlar a propagação do SARS-CoV-2 significaram diminuição da at...