Background: Fragmented service provision and a lack of efficient cooperation between health and welfare sectors serving children and families remain ongoing challenges in South Africa. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic escalated this fragmentation. A community of practice (CoP) was establi...
Background: Fragmented service provision and a lack of efficient cooperation between health and welfare sectors serving children and families remain ongoing challenges in South Africa. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic escalated this fragmentation. A community of practice (CoP) was establi...
Children under the age of five are prone to foodborne diseases, resulting from poor food hygiene because of their less effective immune systems. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of food hygiene among nursing mothers attending under-five clinics.M...
Background: Health literacy plays a crucial role in enabling individuals to navigate and make informed decisions within the healthcare system. It encompasses the ability to understand, interpret, and act upon medical information and instructions, as well as the capacity to source and analyse relevant hea...
Recent literature has shown how the HIV architecture, including community systems, has been critical for fighting COVID-19 in many countries, while sustaining the HIV response. Innovative initiatives suggest that fostering the integration of health services would help address the colliding pandemics. How...
Este artigo discute o conceito, os sentidos e o papel da educação na promoção da saúde e bem-estar no contexto do tema
da “intersectorialidade e participação comunitária para o alcance dos Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável”. Para
o efeito, começa por indicar os três sentidos de e...
Gegemu herb (Datura Stramonium) is a plant that is common in the environment. It is a cosmopolitan weed of word wide distribution. It is found in many countries. The herb is widely available and dominates the surroundings of houses in Yoruba land. However, only few people know about its u...
Avaliar as percepções de mulheres imigrantes (brasileiras e oriundas de países africanos de língua portuguesa), residentes em Portugal, acerca das facilidades/dificuldades de acesso aos serviços de saúde bem como as suas considerações acerca da qualidade do atendimento em saúde recebido. Método...