Results: 6

Households’ willingness to pay and associated factors for the nutrition services provided to women staying at maternity waiting homes in East Wollega, western Ethiopia

BACKGROUND: In Ethiopia, most maternity waiting homes lack government funding and rely on community contributions. However, the willingness of households to pay for nutrition services has not been widely studied. This study aimed to determine the maximum households’ willingness to pay for nutrition s...

Assessing infant and young child feeding priorities to inform the development of a nutrition social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) strategy during a pandemic threat

Objectives: This study was undertaken to identify stakeholder needs and wants in relation to an Infant and Young Child Feeding, Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) strategy for the 16 Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states during Covid-19 lockdowns and travel restriction...

Maternal micronutrient status as a risk factor for perinatal mortality in a Tanzanian randomized controlled trial

Afr. j. reprod. health; 26 (7), 2022
The objective of this study was to determine if maternal micronutrient status (specifically iron) during pregnancy is a risk factor for perinatal mortality among women in Tanzania. Secondary analysis of data from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled vitamin A supplementation trial conducted bet...

Publicidade de Géneros alimentares no meio Televisivo em Moçambique
Food advertising in the media Television in Mozambique

Nos dias que correm, tem-se assistido a mudanças “drásticas” no padrão alimentar e nutricional da população, e a televisão é apontada como um dos grandes factores que contribui para essas mudanças. Com objectivo principal de avaliar a frequência com que a publicidade sobre alimentos é veicu...

HPLC analysis of nicotinamide, pyridoxine,riboflavin and thiamin in some selected food products in Nigeria

Food fortification is an important tool for improving the health of the population. Motivated by this; the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has in the past few years embarked on a campaign to create this awareness. There has been varying degree of compliance to this; ...