L’accumulation du capital humain commence dès l’enfance à travers une alimentation adéquate. Pour les pays en développement généralement caractériséspar la malnutrition infantile, la consommation du poisson constitue une opportunité pour améliorer le statut nutriti...
BACKGROUND: In Ethiopia, most maternity waiting homes lack government funding and rely on community contributions. However, the willingness of households to pay for nutrition services has not been widely studied. This study aimed to determine the maximum households’ willingness to pay for nutrition s...
Background: Intestinal helminthic infections are among the commonest infections worldwide. It often affects the poorest communities and has similar geographic distribution with malnutrition. Intestinal helminthic infection contributes to undernutrition through subtle reduction in digestion and absorption...
Introduction: Sickle cell disease is the most common hereditary hemoglobin disorder in the world, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical presentation and management challenges of sickle cell disease in the towns of Beni and Butembo, in North Kivu province. ...
Anemia, Sickle Cell,
Blood Transfusion,
Disease Progression,
Genetic Diseases, Inborn,
Rapid Diagnostic Tests,
Nutritional Status,
Ngoy, Emmanuel B;
Mapatano, Ali M;
Banza, Celestin L N;
Tshibuabua, Bavon M;
Kalume, Crédo T;
Ngalula, Sophie K;
Kamwanya, Abertine K;
Kamwanya, Abertine K;
Ngalula, Nancy M;
Izala, Verlaine;
Mashini, Ghislain N;
Mulungulungu, Déogratias N H O;
Mukalay, Abdon W M;
Makan, Paul M;
Luboya, Oscar N.
Introduction. L'étude visait évaluer les indicateurs de l'alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant liés à l’état nutritionnel dans la zone de santé de Kapolowe, province du Haut Katanga avant les essais cliniques.
Matériel et méthodes. Nous avons conduit une étude descriptive transversale...
Background. Even though immunisation coverage is tracked through the district health system in South Africa (SA), limited information is available regarding interventions linked to the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) and the impact on the nutritional status of children <5 years of age.Objectives...
BACKGROUND :Approximately 200 million children globally fail to fulfil their development potential due to malnutrition, poor health, and unstimulating environments. Children in Kabale,
Uganda, may be at particularly high risk as the rate of malnutrition in the region is likely to
impact development. The ...
Introduction. L’objectif de notre étude était de décrire les pratiques alimentaires
des nourrissons nés de mères infectées par le VIH ainsi que leur état nutritionnel.
Méthodes. Il s’agit d’une étude transversale à visée descriptive et analytique sur
une période de 2 mois (01 juin au 03...
Introduction : Lubumbashi, première ville du Katanga et deuxième grande ville de la République Démocratique du Congo, est une zone minière et le poumon économique du pays. De ce fait, elle constitue le siège d’une effervescence d’activités minières artisanales et industrielles. Ce travail vi...
Kenya is facing a triple burden of malnutrition in the form of under nutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and over-nutrition. The Ministry of Health in collaboration with stakeholders developed the Kenya Nutrition Action Plan (KNAP) 2018-2022. The overarching objective of the plan is accelerating and sc...