Resultados: 12

Desfechos a longo prazo de pacientes chagásicos com síncope e distúrbio da condução intraventricular submetidos a estudo eletrofisiológico
Long-term outcomes of chagasic patients with syncope and intraventricular conduction disorder undergoing electrophysiological study

Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.); 37 (suppl.9), 2024
INTRODUÇÃO: A abordagem de síncope em pacientes com doença de Chagas (DC) e distúrbios da condução intraventricular (DCI) representa um desafio. Embora o estudo eletrofisiológico (EEF) seja uma ferramenta diagnóstica nessa situação, a evidência para sua utilização necessita elucidações. E...

Cardioneuroablation for the treatment of reflex syncope and functional bradyarrhythmias. a scientific statement of the european heart rhythm association (ehra) of the esc, the heart rhythm society (hrs), the asia pacific heart rhythm society (aphrs) and the latin american heart rhythm society (lahrs)

Europace; 26 (8), 2024
Cardioneuroablation has emerged as a potential alternative to cardiac pacing in selected cases with vasovagal reflex syncope, extrinsic vagally induced sinus bradycardia-arrest or atrioventricular block. The technique was first introduced decades ago, and its use has risen over the past decade. However, ...

Cardioneuroablation in patients with vasovagal syncope: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis

Heart rhythm; (), 2024
BACKGROUND Cardioneuroablation (CNA) is a novel procedure that shows promising results in reducing syncope recurrence in patients with refractory vasovagal syncope (VVS). However, its effectiveness and safety remain controversial. OBJECTIVE We conducted an updated meta-analysis evaluating CNA efficacy an...

Electrophysiological study in chagasics with syncope and conduction disorder

BACKGROUND: Investigation of syncope involves the use of electrophysiological study, particularly in patients with cardiac conduction disorder. There is conflicting evidence about the role of electrophysiological study in patients with Chagas disease. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluat...

Síncope cardioinibitória 2b com pausa de 48 segundos em paciente com síndrome de down e defeito do septo av corrigido: descrição do caso e do plano terapêutico
Cardioinhibitory syncope 2b with a 48-second pause in a patient with down syndrome and corrected AV septal defect: case description and therapeutic plan

INTRODUÇÃO: Os quadros de Síncope habitualmente se iniciam na adolescência. Aproximadamente 20% da população experimenta o primeiro episódio de desmaio entre 10 e 20 anos. Apesar de extremamente angustiantes estes nem sempre são investigados. Apenas 25 a 50% dos pacientes são avaliados nos servi...

Arritmias no paciente adulto com Cardiopatia Congênita
Arrhythmias in the adult patient with congenital heart disease

As cardiopatias congênitas do adulto têm os eventos arrítmicos como principal co-morbidade associada na fase pós operatória. Estes variam de acordo com a cardiopatia, cirurgia realizada, evolução natural da doença e defeitos residuais. Compreender os eventos arrítmicos, a triagem clínica e as a...

Cardioinhibitory syncope 2b with 48-second pause in a patient with Down Syndrome and corrected AV septal defect: description of the case and therapeutic plan

INTRODUCTION: Syncope usually begins in adolescence. Approximately 20% of the population experiences their first episode of fainting between the ages of 10 and 20. Although extremely distressing, these are not always investigated. Only 25 to 50% of patients are evaluated in health services. However, some...

Treatment of symptomatic functional atrioventricular block by cardioneuroablation as an alternative to pacemaker implantation

JACC. Case reports; 4 (15), 2022
ABSTRACT: A woman with recurrent presyncope caused by a functional atrioventricular (AV) block after meals, with limiting symptoms, underwent cardioneuroablation and AV node vagal denervation without pacemaker implantation. Normal AV conduction was recovered with complete abolishment of symptoms....

Correlação entre intervalo HV e achados eletrocardiográficos em indivíduos com síncope e bloqueio de ramo esquerdo
Correlation between HV interval and electrocardiographic findings in individuals with syncope and left bundle branch block

Arq. bras. cardiol; 117 (6 supl.1), 2021
INTRODUÇÃO: A ocorrência de síncope é relacionada a mortalidade em portadores de bloqueio de ramo esquerdo (BRE), mas estes representam um grupo heterogêneo de indivíduos. Dentre os escores de risco para síncope, é consenso que as anormalidades eletrocardiográficas e a presença de cardiopatia ...

Recurrent syncope: initial presentation of transthyretin amyloidosis. benefits of disease-modifying treatment