Results: 3610

Guerra civil não-declarada? Um recorte do status da violência urbana em uma capital no Brasil

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 47 (), 2020
RESUMO Objetivo: a violência civil é responsável por 2,5% da mortalidade mundial, matou mais pessoas no século XXI do que o somatório de todas as guerras deste período. Este estudo descreve as vítimas de violência admitidas em um hospital de referência em trauma em Salvador - Bahia, Brasil e an...

Predictive factors of lethality and complications of deep fascial space infections of the neck

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 47 (), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify predictive factors for lethality and complications of deep fascial space infections of the neck (DFSIN), establishing an early and aggressive treatment in the neck before the progression to descending mediastinitis. Methods: we retrospectively analyzed 133 cases of DFS...

Análise do manejo cirúrgico de pacientes com câncer cervical recidivado após radioterapia e quimioterapia

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 47 (), 2020
RESUMO Objetivos: Analisar os resultados de morbidade e sobrevida após cirurgias curativas e paliativas em pacientes com câncer cervical recidivado após tratamento primário com radioterapia e quimioterapia. Outro objetivo foi avaliar os fatores associados aos procedimentos curativos e não curativos...

Association between preoperative potential sarcopenia and survival of cancer patients undergoing major surgical procedures

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 47 (), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the impact of probable sarcopenia (PS) on the survival of oncological patients submitted to major surgeries. Method: prospective cohort bicentrical study enrolling adult oncological patients submitted to major surgeries at Cancer Hospital and Santa Casa de Misericordia ...

Infections and antimicrobial resistance in an adult intensive care unit in a Brazilian hospital and the influence of drug resistance on the thirty-day mortality among patients with bloodstream infections

Abstract INTRODUCTION: The present study aimed to determine the incidence of health care-associated infections (HCAIs) and identify the main resistant microorganisms in intensive care unit (ICU) patients in a Brazilian university hospital. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in a Brazi...

Health system collapse 45 days after the detection of COVID-19 in Ceará, Northeast Brazil: a preliminary analysis

Abstract INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 emerged in late 2019 and quickly became a serious public health problem worldwide. This study aim to describe the epidemiological course of cases and deaths due to COVID-19 and their impact on hospital bed occupancy rates in the first 45 days of the epidemic in the state ...

Events preceding death among chikungunya virus infected patients: a systematic review

Abstract Since its re-emergence in the late 1990s, there have been reports of Chikungunya fever (CHIK-F) presenting with severe or atypical findings. There is little knowledge regarding the clinical events leading to the death of patients with CHIK-F. This study aimed to systematically review the literat...

Covid-19 growth rate analysis: application of a low-complexity tool for understanding and comparing epidemic curves

Abstract INTRODUCTION: The acceleration of new cases is important for the characterization and comparison of epidemic curves. The objective of this study was to quantify the acceleration of daily confirmed cases and death curves using the polynomial interpolation method. METHODS: Covid-19 epidemic cu...

Tracking excess deaths associated with the COVID-19 epidemic as an epidemiological surveillance strategy-preliminary results of the evaluation of six Brazilian capitals

Abstract INTRODUCTION: In March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak a pandemic. In Brazil, 110 thousand cases and 5,901 deaths were confirmed by the end of April 2020. The scarcity of laboratory resources, the overload on the service network, and the...

Learning from the Italian experience in coping with COVID-19

Abstract INTRODUCTION: In March 2020, the rapid increase in COVID-19 cases overburdened the Italian health system, with the country becoming the pandemic's epicenter. METHODS: We present a narrative review based on manuscripts, official documents, and newspaper articles regarding COVID-19 in Italy. ...