Results: 1947

Syphilis in pregnancy: the reality in a public hospital

Abstract Objective: The present study assessed epidemiological and obstetrical data from pregnant women with syphilis at the Hospital de Clínicas of the Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM, in the Portuguese acronym), describing this disease during pregnancy and its vertical transmission f...

Comorbilidad de pacientes ingresados con diagnóstico de Hipertensión arterial en salas de Medicina Interna
Comorbidity in patients with the diagnosis of Arterial Hypertension admitted to Internal Medicine wards

Introducción: Como problema de la práctica de la profesión, la comorbilidad implica mayor complejidad en el plano del diagnóstico, el tratamiento, la creación de protocolos de atención y en la investigación. Es necesario identificar la comorbilidad del paciente hipertenso atendido en salas de medi...

Implantação de um serviço sobre orientação de insulina na transição do cuidado: contribuições para o autocuidado

Rev. APS; 22 (1), 2019
O diabetes mellitus é uma doença crônica responsável por inúmeras complicações que comprometem a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, sendo necessário para prevenção a adoção de medidas educativas que enfatize a importância do autocuidado e da adesão ao tratamento. Objetivo deste artigo é desc...

Internações por dorsopatias na população adulta no estado do Rio Grande do Sul de 2008 a 2016

Introdução: Dorsopatia é o termo utilizado para descrever disfunções da coluna vertebral. Em função da possibilidade de aumento da ocorrência de dorsopatias e da ausência de estudos sobre seus custos. Objetivos: descrever a tendência das internações por dorsopatias na população acima de 20 ...

Ambulatory care sensitive conditions hospitalization for emergencies rates in Colombia

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the emergency hospitalizations trend for ambulatory care sensitive conditions between 2011 and 2015 in a health insureance company of the Colombian Social Security General System. METHODS A log-linear analysis based on age-adjusted hospitalization rates for ambulatory ca...

Drug use in delivery hospitalization: Pelotas births cohort, 2015

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: Trace the pattern of drug use during delivery hospitalization. METHOD: Cross-sectional study carried out from June to October 2015, included in the 2015 Pelotas births cohort. All women living in the urban area of the city who were hospitalized for delivery were part of the sample. ...

Health care are associated with worsening of frailty in community older adults

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify the factors associated with the worsening of frailty in older adults resident in the community. METHODS This is a prospective, longitudinal, and analytical study. The data collection in the baseline occurred in the participants' homes from a random sampling by conglomer...

Epidemiological overview - 18 years of ICU hospitalization due to trauma in Brazil

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Assess the magnitude and trend of hospitalization rates due to traumatic injuries in intensive care units (ICU) in Brazil from 1998 to 2015. METHODS This is an ecological time-series study that analyzed data from the Hospital Information System. A trend analysis of hospitalization ...

Use of antibiotics in the health care unit: 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the use of the first dose of antibiotics in the health care unit in children from the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort at 24 months. METHODS A total of 4,014 children were monitored. We used descriptive statistics and Poisson regression to analyze the association between socio...

Impacts of a Brazilian pharmaceutical program on the health of chronic patients

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the expansion of access to medicines by the Programa Farmácia Popular do Brasil (PFPB - Brazilian Popular Pharmacy Program) on the indicators of hospitalizations and deaths by hypertension and diabetes. METHODS: To estimate the impact of the Brazilian Popu...