Results: 464

A social cognitive perspective on occupational identity development in college students

Psicol. reflex. crit; 35 (), 2022
Occupational identity is a central concept of career development, by providing a sense of direction and meaning across career development. This study aimed to examine how this concept can be associated with career processes through model formed by a set of socio-cognitive factors. The participants were 3...

Motivations for entering a physical education teacher training program in Chile

ABSTRACT Physical education teacher training programs in Chile have a high demand for enrollment and is recognized as one of the attractive professions for young people. The purpouse of this study is to know the reasons that lead young Chileans to choose the physical education teacher training program at...

Contexto sociocultural y construcción de identidades en jóvenes de escuelas rurales

La investigación tiene como objetivo comprender la incidencia de los contextos socioculturales en la cons-trucción de identidades en jóvenes rurales, a través del análisis etnográfico hermenéutico del discurso en estudiantes y un profesor de una institución pública rural de Cundinamar...

Tendência temporal das notificações de lesão autoprovocada em adolescentes no ambiente escolar, Brasil, 2011-2018

Epidemiol. serv. saúde; 31 (1), 2022
Objetivo: Analisar a tendência de notificações de lesão autoprovocada entre adolescentes no ambiente escolar, Brasil, 2011 a 2018. Métodos: Estudo ecológico de série temporal, sobre dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, utilizando-se o modelo de regressão linear de Prai...

Emotional intelligence and academic motivation in primary school students

Psicol. reflex. crit; 35 (), 2022
The role of emotions in the educational context is one of the lines of research that has generated most interest in recent years. This study explores the level of emotional intelligence (EI) and motivation towards studying of primary school (PS) students, as well as the relationship between both variable...

Character strengths as protective factors against behavior problems in early adolescent

Psicol. reflex. crit; 35 (), 2022
Character strengths could efectively prevent negative psychological outcomes in adults. However, there was little research conducted among early adolescents. The present study aimed to explore character strengths that were independently related to fewer behavior problems in early adolescents. In total, 5...

Self-handicapping strategies in educational context: construction and validation of the Brazilian Self-Handicapping Strategies Scale (EEAPREJ)

Psicol. reflex. crit; 35 (), 2022
Abstract Self-handicapping strategies refer to the set of choices and attitudes adopted to minimize blame for failure and increase the value of success in achievement situations. This paper aims to describe the stages of construction and the psychometric analysis of a scale to measure the self-handicappi...

Saúde mental e interseccionalidade entre estudantes em uma universidade pública brasileira

O sofrimento/transtorno mental tem potencial para afetar qualquer pessoa, visto que viver em coletividade produz iniquidades que podem atuar sobre o bem-estar. Sendo que a universidade integra a rotina de pessoas nessa condição, torna-se necessário analisar fenômenos que podem determinar sua organiza...

Intervención lúdica para la prevención de enfermedades de transmisión sexual

Las estrategias preventivas para las enfermedades de transmisión sexual en poblaciones jóvenes, se han convertido en una prioridad de salud pública. Los adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, se han identificado como los que tienden a participar más frecuentemente, en actividades sexuales riesgosas; dentro...

Estudio documental (2010 - 2020) la actitud de los estudiantes universitarios hacia la investigación científica

Summa psicol. UST; 19 (2), 2022
La presente revisión tiene como objetivo describir los principales debates presentes en las investigaciones realizadas en el periodo comprendido entre 2010 y 2020, sobre la actitud o predisposición de los estudiantes universitarios de habla hispana hacia la investigación científica. Mediante el méto...