Results: 26

Mejoría del dolor, la función y la calidad de vida en dolor lumbar subagudo: ensayo clínico controlado con ejercicio vs. AINES

Introducción. El dolor lumbar es una de las causas más frecuentes de consulta y discapacidad en pacientes, y según su evolución temporal se puede clasificar como agudo, subagudo y crónico. Objetivo. Estimar en pacientes con Dolor Lumbar Subagudo (DLS), la eficacia de un programa de ejercicio compara...

Síndrome de cascanueces y agenesia renal derecha. Una rara asociación
Nutcracker Syndrome and Right Renal Agenesis. A Rare Association

Rev. cuba. pediatr; 95 (), 2023
Introducción: El síndrome de cascanueces se considera una anomalía infrecuente y poco pensada en la práctica médica; su incidencia no está bien establecida debido a su sintomatología variada. La agenesia renal unilateral se estima entre 1/2500 y 1/4000 nacidos vivos. Objetivos: Describir una pacie...

Immediate analgesic effect of 4khz amfs interferential current on chronic low back pain

Coluna/Columna; 21 (2), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the immediate effect of amplitude modulation frequencies (AMFs) of 4kHz interferential current (IFC) on chronic low back pain (CLBP). Method: This is a randomized controlled clinical trial. Sixty-three subjects with CLBP were recruited. The subjects were randomized into 3...

Caracterización de pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico tratados con bloqueo epidural transforaminal
Characterization of patients with chronic low back pain treated with transforaminal epidural block

Introducción: Mediante el presente estudio se realizará la caracterización clínica y demográfica de pacientes con lumbalgia crónica intervenidos con inyección epidural transforaminal de esteroides (bloqueo) en un hospital de cuarto nivel de complejidad. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudi...

Factores asociados a la calidad de vida en adultos con dolor crónico musculoesqueléticoico musculoesquelético

Introducción. Se estima que una de cada cinco personas en el mundo sufre de dolor crónico y que el dolor musculoesquelético crónico (DMC) es la principal causa de dolor y discapacidad en la sociedad occidental. Objetivo. Analizar las características sociodemográficas, clínicas y funcionales que i...

Influence of physical activity and time in the sitting position on the condition of low back pain among university students

Coluna/Columna; 21 (1), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the influence of sedentary behavior and physical activity on the prevalence and situation of low back pain in medical students at a higher education institution. Methods: Cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, conducted with 220 students. Data were collected b...

Low back and neck pain in physical education students: prevalence and associated factors

Coluna/Columna; 21 (1), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the prevalence of low back and neck pain in Physical Education (PE) students at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and the associated behavioral and postural factors. Methods: The study design is observational with descriptive analytics. Healthy PE stud...

The influence of physical activity on the prevalence of low back pain among the portuguese population

Coluna/Columna; 21 (2), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: I) To investigate the influence of physical activity (PA) on levels of low back pain, and II) To classify the respondents regarding low back pain. Methods: Collection of responses, through an online questionnaire, from 199 adults aged between 18 and 65 years (36.05 ± 11.90 years). ...

Effect of the maitland concept techniques on low back pain: a systematic review

Coluna/Columna; 21 (2), 2022
ABSTRACT Low back pain has a prevalence that reaches up to 70% of the population between 35-55 years of age and is the principal cause of occupational disability. The scientific evidence on the effect of manual therapy on low back pain is conflicting and there are no specific reviews on the Maitland conc...

The prevalence of low back pain in nurses at a university hospital in the eastern area of são paulo

Coluna/Columna; 21 (2), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of low back pain in nurses at a university hospital in São Paulo and establish a relationship with social aspects. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out, through the application of a questionnaire containing social questions(weight, age, height...