Results: 297

Association between adiposity indicators, metabolic parameters and inflammatory markers in a sample of female adolescents

Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the association between total and abdominal adiposity with metabolic parameters and inflammatory markers, in female adolescents.Subjects and methods The sample consisted of 53 adolescents aged 13 to 17 years from a public school in Curitiba, Brazil. The ...

Obesity parameters as predictors of early development of cardiometabolic risk factors

Abstract The scope of this study was to verify the association between different overweight and obesity parameters and the metabolic risk profile among school-age students. The randomized cross-sectional study included 1254 children and adolescents, aged 7 to 17, from a city in southern Brazil. Body mass...

Excesso de peso e variáveis associadas em escolares de Itajaí, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Resumo Objetivou-se avaliar a associação das variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas, dos comportamentos relacionados à saúde e características do ambiente familiar com a prevalência de excesso de peso em alunos do 1º ao 5º ano de escolas do município de Itajaí, Santa Catarina. As variáveis...

Physical benefits and reduction of depressive symptoms among the elderly: Results from the Portuguese "National Walking Program"

The aim of this study was to investigate alterations in physical fitness and anthropometric parameters as well as depression symptoms among the elderly after participation in the "National Walking Program" (Portugal). The sample consisted of 26 elderly people over six months with a total of 72 exercise s...

Indicadores nutricionais combinados e fatores associados em população Quilombola no Sudoeste da Bahia, Brasil

Este estudo estimou a prevalência de duas combinações de indicadores nutricionais: Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) + Circunferência da Cintura (CC) e IMC + Razão Cintura Estatura (RCE), e investigou os fatores associados em adultos Quilombolas. Amostra aleatória em dois estágios de 739 adultos ...

Metabolic syndrome in fixed-shift workers

OBJECTIVE To analyze if metabolic syndrome and its altered components are associated with demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral factors in fixed-shift workers.METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 902 shift workers of both sexes in a poultry processing plant in Southern Brazil ...

Educational inequality in the occurrence of abdominal obesity: pró-saúde study

OBJECTIVE To estimate the degree of educational inequality in the occurrence of abdominal obesity in a population of non-faculty civil servants at university campi.METHODS In this cross-sectional study, we used data from 3,117 subjects of both genders aged 24 to 65-years old, regarding the baseline ofPr...

Efeito do acompanhamento nutricional e treinamento físico em pessoas com síndrome metabólica

Introdução: A síndrome metabólica é um transtorno que reúne um conjunto de fatores de risco cardiovasculares, acometendo boa parte da população acima de 40 anos. Alimentação inadequada e falta de exercícios físicos são consideradas precursores dessa síndrome. Objetivos: Avaliar os efeitos d...

Relationship between anthropometric and hemodynamic indexes in school children

Acta sci., Health sci; 36 (1), 2014
Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in world population. Current analysis with 1074 schoolchildren in municipal schools of Cruzeiro do Oeste, Paraná State, Brazil, evaluated anthropometric indexes and blood pressure levels of schoolchildren and verified the relationship between Body Mass...

La importancia de estimar la obesidad abdominal

Acta méd. colomb; 38 (3), 2013
Desde mediados del siglo pasado se viene demostrando que la distribución de la grasa corporal es tan o quizás más importante que su acumulación en todo el cuerpo. Los estudios del grupo canadiense liderado por JP Després, han encontrado que la grasa acumulada dentro del abdomen en forma de tejido ad...