Results: 409

La Epilepsia en la mujer embarazada
Epilepsy in the pregnant woman

Cambios rev. méd; Vol. 13 (23), 2015
Introduction: epilepsy is defined as the presence of recurring unprovoked crisis, and whose treatment is typically an antiepileptic drug regimen taken daily for a long time. About 1 in 200 pregnant women develop epilepsy (0.5%). Women with epilepsy have a higher risk of poor outcomes of pregnancy, althou...

Resistencia a antibióticos, una crisis global

Rev. med. Risaralda; 21 (1), 2015
Los antibióticos son la principal herramienta terapéutica con que cuenta el personal de salud para enfrentar patologías infecciosas; su valor es indiscutible, no obstante, la resistencia creciente de los microorganismos a estos agentes, incluyendo los de amplio espectro, ha generado un problema de amp...

A Cooperação Internacional na Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca - ENSP da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz): desenvolvimento histórico e panorama atual, 2013

Na América Latina, o desenvolvimento de Escolas de Saúde Pública (ESPs), desde a primeira metade do século XX, está historicamente relacionado à cooperação internacional (CI) e à influência norte-americana na região, sobretudo da Fundação Rockfeller, prevalecendo a perspectiva biomédica na ...

Free-trade agreements: challenges for global health

In this study new free-trade agreements are discussed, which are based on the breaking down of tariff and technical barriers and normally exclude most of the poorest countries in the world. Considering the current context of economic globalization and its health impacts, seven controversial points of the...

Paradigmas de investigación en salud
Paradigms of health research

Introducción: La necesidad de generar conocimiento ha tenido diferentes momentos en la historia. En salud, se pueden resumir en tres modelos: a) lógico–positivista o empírico–ana-lítico, b) simbólico–interpretativo y c) crítico o dialéctico. Con el objetivo de revisar las alter...

Global health competencies according to nursing faculty from Brazilian higher education institutions

OBJECTIVES: to identify the agreement of faculty affiliated with Brazilian higher education institutions about the global health competencies needed for undergraduate nursing students' education and whether these competencies were covered in the curriculum offered at the institution where they were teach...