Results: 813

"Ser um ambulante é necessidade que nós temos de trabalhar": cotidiano e identificação de trabalhadores pipoqueiros de Belo Horizonte

Cad. psicol. soc. trab; 21 (2), 2018
O objetivo deste artigo é compreender o que é ser um trabalhador pipoqueiro na cidade de Belo Horizonte, as práticas cotidianas que envolvem a profissão e como é construída a identificação com esse trabalho. Para a proposta, adotamos uma abordagem qualitativa e realizamos sessenta e duas entrevis...

Involvement in activities, work satisfaction and retirement expectations of Brazilian federal employees

Cienc. Trab; 20 (63), 2018
INTRODUCTION: The decision for retirement is an important event in the life of people and may be influenced by several factors such as health problems, work satisfaction and repertoire of daily activities. Aim: to describe the involvement in activities, to assess work satisfaction and to compare these...

Desempeño funcional en un grupo de adultos mayores
Functional performance in a group of elderlies

Introduccion: La capacidad funcional es uno de los determinantes del estado de salud del adulto mayor. En esta población se presenta una mayor dependencia que conlleva a cambios significativos en los estilos de vida, la interacción social y familiar. Objetivo: Establecer el nivel de desempeño funciona...

Effects of virtual reality therapy on upper limb function after stroke and the role of neuroimaging as a predictor of a better response

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 76 (10), 2018
ABSTRACT Background: Virtual reality therapy (VRT) is an interactive intervention that induces neuroplasticity. The aim was to evaluate the effects of VRT associated with conventional rehabilitation for an upper limb after stroke, and the neuroimaging predictors of a better response to VRT. Methods: Pa...

Diseño de un instrumento de evaluación de desempeño en actividades de la vida diaria

Rev. salud pública; 20 (5), 2018
RESUMEN Objetivos Diseñar y validar un instrumento de evaluación del desempeño de las AVDI, acorde a las necesidades y características actuales de los adultos considerando la actualización terminológica en Terapia Ocupacional. Métodos La investigación se encasilla como un estudio investigativo-...

Disability relating to instrumental activities of daily living in the elderly with rheumatic diseases

Objective: to characterize the sociodemographic profile of elderly persons with arthritis/rheumatism in relation to gender, as well as to estimate the prevalence and factors associated with functional disability for the performance of instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Method: a cross-sec...

Functional capacity measurement: reference equations for the Glittre Activities of Daily Living test

J. bras. pneumol; 44 (5), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To develop reference equations for the Glittre Activities of Daily Living test (Glittre ADL-test) on the basis of anthropometric and demographic variables in apparently healthy individuals. A secondary objective was to determine the reliability of the equations in a sample of COPD p...

Promoting the autonomy of rural older adults in active aging

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (5), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to understand how the rural older adults promote their autonomy in active aging. Method: qualitative research through the Paulo Freire's research itinerary, consisting of three steps: area of research; encoding and decoding; and critical unveiling. Seventeen older adults living in t...

Activity limitation in elderly people in the European context of gender inequality: a multilevel approach

Abstract The objective of the present study was to examine the magnitude of gender differences in activity limitations among the elderly, and the effect of the health and social individual factors and the context of social gender inequality in Europe. Cross-sectional design was performed. The study popul...

Influência da idade na capacidade funcional e mobilidade de idosos praticantes de Pilates

Rev. Kairós; 21 (3), 2018
A avaliação da capacidade funcional do idoso permite conhecer o perfil e ajudar na realização de estratégias de promoção à saúde. O estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a capacidade funcional de idosos que participam de um grupo de Pilates na UNATI – Universidade Aberta a Terceira Idade, na cidade...