Results: 99

Clinical decision making in older adults with COVID-19 in developing countries: looking beyond chronological age

Rev. invest. clín; 72 (3), 2020
ABSTRACT Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared a global pandemic. Older adults have been found as a vulnerable group for developing severe forms of disease and increased mortality. Objective: The objective of the study was to propose a pathway to assist the decision-maki...

Prevalência e fatores associados à síndrome da fragilidade no idoso do Distrito Federal

INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome da fragilidade no idoso (SFI) tem sido reconhecida como uma condição de vulnerabilidade fisiológica associada ao envelhecimento, resultante de uma reserva homeostática reduzida e da dificuldade do organismo em responder adequadamente ao estresse, característica altamente pr...

Capacidade funcional e desempenho físico de idosos comunitários: um estudo longitudinal

Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a ocorrência de mudanças na capacidade funcional e no desempenho físico de idosos comunitários e seus fatores determinantes, em um período de dois anos. Foi realizado estudo quantitativo, do tipo inquérito domiciliar, observacional e longitudinal, em 2014 e...

A nationwide study on prevalence and factors associated with dynapenia in older adults: ELSI-Brazil

This study aimed to assess the prevalence and factors associated with dynapenia in a nationally representative sample of Brazilians aged 50 years and older. A cross-sectional study was performed with baseline data from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-Brazil). Dynapenia was defined as low ...

Validity evidence of an epidemiological Oropharyngeal dysphagia screening questionnaire for older adults

Clinics; 75 (), 2020
OBJECTIVE: This research aimed to identify evidence of validity of a self-reported Oropharyngeal Dysphagia screening questionnaire for older adults based on test content, response processes, internal structure, relations to other variables, and reliability. METHOD: This is a nonrandomized, cross-section...

Comparison of cognitive performance between elderly people of different scholarities with and without depressive symptom

Rev. bras. neurol; 55 (4), 2019
INTRODUCTION: The presence of depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment are highly correlated with aging. In addition to this, there are other variables that also influence the presence and severity of existing cognitive disorders, such as schooling level. OBJECTIVE: compare the cognitive performance ...

Estudo do fenótipo de fragilidade em idosos residentes na comunidade

Resumo O objetivo foi estabelecer pontos de corte por sexo para a avaliação dos componentes de fragilidade de idosos residentes na comunidade. Estudo transversal de base populacional, com 555 idosos adscritos às Estratégias Saúde da Família; selecionados por amostragem estratificada proporcional. F...

Differences in quality of life and cognition between the elderly and the very elderly hemodialysis patients

J. bras. nefrol; 41 (3), 2019
Abstract Introduction: In the last decades, there was an expressive increase in the number of elderly patients with chronic kidney disease starting hemodialysis. Thus, our goal was to evaluate the profile of the elderly in chronic hemodialysis and to compare the cognition and quality of life of the youn...

Depression and geriatric assessment in older people admitted for hip fracture

Rev. méd. Chile; 147 (8), 2019
ABSTRACT Background: Depression is common among older people with hip fracture. Aim: To assess depression scores and other mental and physical health variables in older people with and without depression, admitted to a traumatology ward for a hip fracture. Material and Methods: Cross sectional study o...