Results: 5435

Evolução de indicadores do tabagismo segundo inquéritos de telefone, 2006-2014

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online); 33 (supl.3), 2017
Resumo: O objetivo do estudo foi descrever a tendência de indicadores de tabagismo em adultos nas capitais brasileiras. Utilizou-se regressão linear simples para analisar a tendência do tabagismo segundo dados do inquérito telefônico VIGITEL, entre 2006-2014. A prevalência de fumantes no Brasil cai...

Uso de outros produtos do tabaco entre escolares brasileiros (PeNSE 2012)

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online); 33 (supl.3), 2017
Resumo: Estimar a prevalência e identificar fatores associados ao uso de outros produtos do tabaco entre escolares. Foi realizado um estudo transversal, com amostra representativa de escolares que cursaram o 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Foram entrevistados 109.104 estudantes, sendo que 4,8% fizeram us...

Rural area of the Brazilian Pantanal wetlands associated with the occurrence of anti-Leishmania spp. antibodies in dogs

An evaluation was made of the presence of anti-Leishmania infantum chagasi antibodies in domestic dogs from the urban and rural areas of Brazil’s Pantanal wetland region using serological techniques. A total of 429 dogs were sampled in three areas of the Pantanal biome, including the municipalities of ...

Incidence of tuberculosis among patients with rheumatoid arthritis using TNF blockers in Brazil: data from the Brazilian Registry of Biological Therapies in Rheumatic Diseases (Registro Brasileiro de Monitoração de Terapias Biológicas - BiobadaBrasil)

Rev. bras. reumatol; 57 (supl.2), 2017
Abstract Objectives To assess the incidence of tuberculosis and to screen for latent tuberculosis infection among Brazilians with rheumatoid arthritis using biologics in clinical practice. Patients and methods This cohort study used data from the Brazilian Registry of Biological Therapies in Rheumatic ...

Factors associated with the contraindicated use of oral contraceptives in Brazil

Rev. saúde pública; 51 (), 2017
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of the contraindicated use of oral contraceptives and the associated factors in Brazilian women. METHODS 20,454 women who answered the VIGITEL survey in 2008 also participated in this study, of which 3,985 reported using oral contraceptives. We defined th...

Patient survival and risk of death after prostate cancer treatment in the Brazilian Unified Health System

Rev. saúde pública; 51 (), 2017
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Analyze the probability of specific survival and factors associated with the risk of death of patients with prostate cancer who received outpatient cancer treatment in the Brazilian Unified Health System, Brazil. METHODS Retrospective cohort study using the National Database of Onc...

Violence against women, Espírito Santo, Brazil

Rev. saúde pública; 51 (), 2017
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence and factors associated with psychological, physical and sexual violence in women victims of intimate partner violence assisted in the primary care services. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study, conducted in 26 health units in Vitória, State of Espír...

Trend of leprosy in individuals under the age of 15 in Mato Grosso (Brazil), 2001-2013

Rev. saúde pública; 51 (), 2017
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify the historical trend of leprosy epidemiological indicators in individuals under the age of 15 in the state of Mato Grosso. METHODS Descriptive study with trend analysis of leprosy indicators in individuals under the age of fifteen registered in the Mato Grosso’s S...

Sociodemographic and health factors associated with mortality in community-dwelling elderly

Rev. saúde pública; 51 (), 2017
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE The objective of this study is to identify factors associated with mortality, with emphasis on gender and age differences. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study, which uses data from the FIBRA-2008-2009 network in Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil, with information on non-ins...

Frequency and factors associated with falls in adults aged 55 years or more

Rev. saúde pública; 51 (), 2017
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE The objective of this study is to analyze the frequency and factors associated with falls in adults aged 55 years or more. METHODS This is a study inserted into another population-based study with representative sample of persons aged 40 years or more of the urban area in a medium-...