Results: 974

Prevalencia y características del sobre peso y obesidad de los alumnos de la Universidad San Juan Bautista filial Ica
Prevalence and characteristics of overweight and obesity of the students of the San Juan Bautista University Branch Ica

Rev. méd. panacea; 8 (2), 2019
Objetivo: Precisar la prevalencia de sobre peso y de obesos en alumnos de la Universidad San Juan Bautista de Ica mayo 2019. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de tipo observacional, transversal retrospectivo y descriptivo sobre una población de 3500 alumnos con una muestra de estudio de 348 al...

Waist-to-height ratio is as reliable as biochemical markers to discriminate pediatric insulin resistance

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 95 (4), 2019
Abstract Objective: Given the importance of incorporating simple and low-cost tools into the pediatric clinical setting to provide screening for insulin resistance, the present study sought to investigate whether waist-to-height ratio is comparable to biochemical markers for the discrimination of insuli...

Overview of meta-analysis on prevention and treatment of childhood obesity

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 95 (4), 2019
Abstract Objectives: This study aimed to assess the quality of systematic reviews on prevention and non-pharmacological treatment of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Data source: A search was done in electronic databases (Medline via PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, LILACS, the Cochra...

Health-related physical fitness and weight status in 13- to 15-year-old Latino adolescents. A pooled analysis

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 95 (4), 2019
Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between health-related physical fitness and weight status in 13- to 15-year-old Latino adolescents. Method: The final sample consisted of 73,561 adolescents aged 13 -15 years (35,175 girls) from Chile (n = 48,771) and Colombia (n...

Health-related quality of life in adolescents with excess weight

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 95 (4), 2019
Abstract Objective: To identify health-related quality of life in adolescents with excess weight and associated factors, such as gender, age, and weight categories. Method: A cross-sectional study with collected and secondary data from 276 adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years with overweight and ob...

Síndrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono e sua relação com o sobrepeso materno e riscos ao neonato

Femina; 47 (7), 2019
Durante a gravidez, a gestante sofre com mudanças fisiológicas e hormonais, podendo alterar seu sono e desenvolver a síndrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS). Objetivou-se com o estudo analisar a relação entre SAOS, sobrepeso materno e riscos ao neonato, com buscas nas fontes de dados PubMed, Sc...

Síndrome metabólica e fatores associados em quilombolas baianos, Brasil

Resumo Este estudo buscou analisar a prevalência de Síndrome Metabólica (SM) e os fatores associados em adultos quilombolas. Estudo de base populacional com amostra de 850 adultos de ambos os sexos. A SM foi determinada pelo critério Joint Interim Statement. A regressão de Poisson foi usada para tes...

Are there differences in nutrient intake of Brazilian adults according to weight status?

Abstract It was assessed the intake and prevalence of inadequate nutrient intake according to weight status among Brazilian adults from urban areas (n=16,198) evaluated in the Brazilian National Dietary Survey (NDS - 2008-2009), that obtained food records from two non-consecutive days. The prevalence of ...

Aspectos nutricionais de pessoas acometidas por hanseníase, entre 2001 e 2014, em municípios do semiárido brasileiro

Resumo O estudo buscou caracterizar a insegurança alimentar, o estado nutricional e os hábitos alimentares de pessoas acometidas por hanseníase. Trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo, de população censitária, em que foram avaliados 276 casos, notificados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos...