Results: 7407

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and severe maternal morbidity: is there an association?

Clinics; 73 (), 2018
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the occurrence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among women experiencing a severe maternal morbidity event and associated factors in comparison with those without maternal morbidity. METHODS: In a retrospective cohort study, 803 women with or without severe maternal morbidity wer...

Improvement in lung function and functional capacity in morbidly obese women subjected to bariatric surgery

Clinics; 73 (), 2018
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether weight loss in women with morbid obesity subjected to bariatric surgery alters lung function, respiratory muscle strength, functional capacity and the level of habitual physical activity and to investigate the relationship between these variables and changes in both body c...

Difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases according to the perceptions of patients, relatives and health care professionals

Clinics; 73 (), 2018
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to present a survey of vulnerabilities and to suggest approaches for the treatment of rare diseases according to the perceptions of a group of affected individuals, patient association representatives and health care professionals. METHODS: The focus group technique ...

Spanish adaptation and validation of the supportive & palliative care indicators tool - SPICT-ESTM

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To culturally adapt and validate the SPICTTM to Spanish, which is a brief and simple tool to support a better identification of chronic patients who have palliative care needs. METHODS For this study, we designed a multicenter and national project between the centers of Galicia, Bale...

Development of a Diet Quality Index Adapted for Pregnant Women

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To develop a Diet Quality Index Adapted for Pregnant Women (IQDAG) and to evaluate its relation with the characteristics of women treated at the Brazilian Unified Health System. METHODS: The data on food intake come from a cross-sectional study carried out with 785 adult pregnant wo...

Evidence of validity of the stress-producing life events (SPLE) instrument

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Evaluate the construct validity of a list of eight Stressful Life Events in pregnant women. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted with 1,446 pregnant women in São Luís, MA, and 1,364 pregnant women in Ribeirão Preto, SP (BRISA cohort), from February 2010 to June 2011. In...

Investigação da qualidade de vida de mulheres com incontinência urinária

Investigar a qualidade de vida de mulheres com incontinência urinária. Pesquisa do tipo observacional de caráter transversal, com abordagem quantitativa. Aplicou-se uma ficha de anamnese adaptada de Moreno (2009) e Stephenson e O´Connor (2004) para traçar o perfil social e uroginecológico das parti...

Impacto de la rehabilitación del piso pelviano en la calidad de vida de mujeres con incontinencia urinaria

Objetivos: Evaluar el impacto en la calidad de vida de mujeres con diversos tipos de incontinencia urinaria, en quienes se realizó un programa de entrenamiento de la musculatura del piso pelviano (EMPP). Materiales y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y analítico que evalu...

Incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo en mujeres: impacto en la calidad de vida tras rehabilitación del suelo pélvico

Objetivos: Conocer el resultado y el impacto en la calidad de vida en mujeres con IUE antes y después de ser sometidas a nuestro programa de rehabilitación del suelo pélvico (PRSP). Materiales y métodos: Las pacientes con IUE derivadas al PRSP debían cumplimentar el cuestionario de Potenziani antes ...

Sintomas depressivos em idosos do município de São Paulo, Brasil: prevalência e fatores associados (Estudo SABE)

Rev. bras. epidemiol; 21 (supl.2), 2018
RESUMO: Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência de sintomas depressivos em idosos do município de São Paulo, Brasil (Estudo SABE), em 2006 e identificar fatores de risco associados a essa prevalência em 2006 e fatores de proteção entre os idosos que não apresentaram sintomas depressivos nas avaliações...