Results: 729

Obesity and its Association with Food Consumption, Diabetes Mellitus, and Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Elderly

Arq. bras. cardiol; 107 (6), 2016
Abstract Background: Obesity affects a large part of elderly individuals worldwide and is considered a risk predictor for the development of chronic diseases such as cardiac diseases, the leading causes of death in the elderly population. Objective: To investigate the prevalence of obesity and associat...

Oral mucosal diseases in children - casuistics from the Department of Dermatology - University of São Paulo - Brazil

An. bras. dermatol; 91 (6), 2016
Abstract There are no studies about pediatric oral mucosal diseases performed by dermatologists in Brazil. This study presents the casuistics of oral mucosal diseases in children examined at the Oral Diseases Clinic at the Department of Dermatology - University of São Paulo - Brazil. Cases were retrospe...

Características sociodemográficas y diagnósticas de los usuarios del Hospital Diurno Infanto Juvenil, de Viña del Mar, entre los años 2002 y 2016

El presente estudio se realiza en el Hospital Diurno Infanto Juvenil de Viña del Mar, buscando describir el tipo de usuario (sexo, edad, escolaridad, comuna de residencia, centro derivador) y si existe pertinencia entre el diagnóstico de ingreso y el de egreso. Se analizaron 266 fichas clínicas ent...

Melhora na qualidade e completitude da base de dados do Registro de Câncer de Base Populacional do município de São Paulo: uso das técnicas de linkage

RESUMO: A disponibilidade de grandes bases de dados informatizadas em saúde tornou a técnica de linkage uma alternativa para diferentes tipos de estudos, proporcionando a geração de uma base de dados mais completa e de baixo custo operacional. Objetivo: Melhorar a qualidade e a completitude dos cas...

Violência contra mulheres em diferentes estágios do ciclo de vida no Brasil: um estudo exploratório

RESUMO: Objetivo: Descrever o perfil da violência contra mulheres em diferentes ciclos de vida, de acordo com as características sociodemográficas das vítimas e dos agressores. Métodos: Estudo transversal e exploratório realizado com base em 1.388 registros de ocorrências, durante período de ...

Incidence and mortality from colon and rectal cancer in Midwestern Brazil

ABSTRACT: Objective: To describe the incidence and mortality rates from colon and rectal cancer in Midwestern Brazil. Methods: Data for the incidence rates were obtained from the Population-Based Cancer Registry (PBCR) according to the available period. Mortality data were obtained from the Mortality...

Determinantes sociales de la edad de fallecimiento por causa cardiovascular

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (11), 2016
Background: The association of cardiovascular diseases with socio-demographic factors has not been fully explored. Aim: To analyze the association of socio-demographic features with the survival time of individuals who died due to cardiovascular diseases. Material and Methods: The death registries publis...

Evolución de las características epidemiológicas y clínicas de pacientes adultos del programa nacional al inicio de la terapia anti-retroviral en la Cohorte Chilena de SIDA, 2001-2015

Rev. chil. infectol; 33 (supl.1), 2016
Background: Chilean AIDS Cohort is the oldest and extensive in Latin America and one of most numerous and with longer follow up time to international level. Records information from 14,873 patients out of approximately 22,000 in antiretroviral therapy in the public system and its results have allowed to ...

Infección por VIH/SIDA en niños y adolescentes: cohorte chilena 1987-2014

Rev. chil. infectol; 33 (supl.1), 2016
The present document describes the Cohort of HIV/AIDS children detected in Chile from 1987 to August 2014 and the effectiveness of the Protocol for Prevention of Vertical Transmission (PPVT) of HIV infection. Of the 375 HIV infected children enrolled since 1987 to August 2014, 245 of them are still in pe...

Diagnóstico tardío y enfermedad avanzada de VIH en pacientes adultos en un hospital de la seguridad social de Perú

Rev. chil. infectol; 33 (supl.1), 2016
Background: The delayed HIV diagnosis with CD4 count is a public health problem. Objective: To determinate the frequency and the factors associated with a late diagnosis (LD) and to an advanced disease (AD) of HIV infection in patients from a Peruvian hospital. Materials and Methods: Analytic and transve...