Results: 3132

Caminhos para articulação da Educação Alimentar e Nutricional com o currículo escolar: relato de experiência no contexto do ensino fundamental

Demetra (Rio J.); 16 (1), 2021
Objetivo: Este artigo visa relatar a experiência da construção e implementação de ações de Educação Alimentar e Nutricional (EAN) transversais aos componentesdo currículo escolar do ensino fundamental.Método:As ações foram realizadas entre agosto e dezembro de 2020 em uma escola pública na ...

Perfil alimentar e percepção de escolares sobre alimentação servida em escolas municipais segundo a vulnerabilidade à saúde

Demetra (Rio J.); 16 (1), 2021
Objetivo: Analisar o perfil alimentar e a percepção de escolares sobre a alimentação servida nas escolas, segundo a vulnerabilidade à saúde. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo transversal, realizado com uma amostra representativa de alunos do Ensino Fundamental da rede municipal de Belo Horiz...

Sport student teachers' discourses about female athletes in mixed martial arts

Abstract The historical-cultural process of sport influenced and was influenced by the spaces that men and women have occupied in society by (re)assuring norms and creating cracks. That is how the female body enters the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). This study analyses discourses over the participation of wo...

Light-intensity physical activity patterns and associated factors in adolescents

Motriz (Online); 27 (), 2021
Abstract Aims: This study aimed to measure light-intensity physical activity (LPA) patterns in adolescents according to weekdays and school period and investigated associations between LPA patterns and associated factors. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with 388 students of both genders, selec...

Risk of anorexia and bulimia nervosa and its associated factors in undergraduate students

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 34 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective To quantify the prevalence and related factors to the risk of anorexia and bulimia nervosa in undergraduate students at a private university in Bogotá, Colombia. Methods A cross-sectional study, which evaluated the frequency of food consumption, physical activity (International Phys...

Emergency contraception in university students: prevalence of use and knowledge gaps

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Investigate prevalence of use and knowledge about emergency contraception (EC) among female university students from two higher education institutions. METHODS Cross-sectional study with 1,740 undergraduates in the city of Santa Maria (RS), from May to October 2017. Information was...

Self-regulation for Reading Comprehension: Psychometric Properties of Two Motivation Scales

Abstract Personal achievement goals and self-efficacy make up the motivational dimension of self-regulated learning. This research investigates the initial psychometric properties of the Achievement Goals Scale for Reading Comprehension and the Self-efficacy Scale for Reading Comprehension. The evidence-...

Typological Profiles of Depression of College Students: Latent Classes and Controlling for Response Bias of the Baptista Depression Short-Scale (EBADEP-short)

Abstract Response styles and non-linearity might reduce the validity of scores on depression inventories. To address both issues, we explored the latent class structure of the Baptista's Depression Scale (EBADEP), and the influence of extreme response bias. In total, 1,137 Brazilian college students (M =...

Prevalência de fatores de risco comportamentais à saúde e sua ocorrência simultânea em estudantes de uma universidade pública de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, 2017

Epidemiol. serv. saúde; 30 (4), 2021
Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência de fatores de risco comportamentais à saúde e investigar clusters de ocorrência simultânea desses fatores em estudantes de universidade pública, Pelotas, RS, Brasil. Métodos: Estudo transversal entre universitários no segundo semestre de 2017. Os fatores estudados...