Results: 44

Transiliac endoscopic assisted ilif: a cadaveric study

Coluna/Columna; 22 (2), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: Demonstrate the feasibility of endoscopic assisted L5S1 intraforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (iLIF) through a transiliac approach. Methods: Ten transiliac iLIF and ten supra iliac iLIF were performed bilaterally at L5S1 in five randomly selected fresh-frozen human cadavers. The fo...

Injerto de cresta ilíaca como cirugía de revisión de Latarjet fallida por inestabilidad glenohumeral en deportistas
Iliac crest graft for previous failed Latarjet surgery with glenohumeral instability in athletes

Artrosc. (B. Aires); 30 (4), 2023
Introducción: El objetivo de este estudio es reportar los resultados funcionales, el retorno al deporte, la tasa de consolidación y las complicaciones en deportistas jóvenes con una cirugía de Latarjet previa fallida, tratados con injerto autólogo de cresta ilíaca.Materiales y métodos: entre el 20...

Donor Site Morbidity of Nonvascularized Bone Graft: A Systematic Review

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the donor site morbidity of iliac and fibular nonvascularized bone graft after mandibular resection. Material and Methods: This study was guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) in PubMed, Proquest, Science Direct, and Eb...

The efficacy of adding dexmedetomidine perineurally in fascia iliaca compartment block versus intravenously in hip arthroscopy: A randomized controlled trial

Rev. chil. anest; 52 (1), 2023
BACKGROUND: Stable hemodynamics in hip arthroscopy is one of the most important tasks. Recently, dexmedetomidine has been considered a safe analgesic and sedative adjuvant in different surgeries. Ultrasound-guided fascia iliaca compartment block (FICB) is a technique used to produce postoperative analges...

Absceso del psoas ilíaco secundario a un tumor de colon izquierdo fistulizado al retroperitoneo: caso clínico y análisis de la literatura

Cir. Urug; 6 (1), 2022
Los abscesos del psoas ilíaco secundarios a un tumor de colon fistulizado son excepcionales y potencialmente graves. La mayoría son adenocarcinomas de tipo mucinoso. Su tratamiento es complejo ya que, para lograr una resección oncológica pretendidamente curativa, es necesario realizar una resección ...

Diverticulitis apendicular, como diagnóstico diferencial

Rev. argent. cir; 114 (2), 2022
RESUMEN La diverticulitis apendicular (DA) es una patología poco frecuente, considerada clínicamente indistinguible de la apendicitis aguda, aunque podría presentar una sintomatología más leve. Este es el caso de un paciente masculino de 59 años, que concurre al Servicio de Urgencias presentando si...

Incidência de alterações posturais em indivíduos participantes de ação social no município de Nova Iguaçu, RJ
Incidence of postural changes in individuals participating in social action at Nova Iguaçu City, RJ

Fisioter. Bras; 23 (1), 2022
O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal estimar a incidência de alterações postural em indivíduos participantes da ação social UNIG Portas Abertas, ocorrida no campus da Universidade Iguaçu, novembro de 2018 e maio de 2019. É um estudo transversal e descritivo. Foram avaliados 75 indivíduo...

Comparison between two methods of measuring pelvic obliquity in cerebral palsy and myelomeningocele

Coluna/Columna; 21 (3), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the intra- and inter-observer reproducibility of the evaluation of the pelvic obliquity (PO) in patients with neuro-muscular deformities via the method that uses the iliac crests and the method that uses the upper endplate of S1 and to determine whe ther there is a relati...

Cura quirúrgica de pseudoartrosis atrófica infectada de diáfisis tibial
Surgical Cure of Infected Atrophic Nonunion of the Tibial Shaft

Introducción: La fractura de un hueso se define como la solución de continuidad de cierta porción ósea. Las fracturas diafisarias representan un bajo porcentaje de todas las fracturas, y el hueso tibial es el más afectado, debido a su escasa vascularidad, poca protección y existencia de diversos f...

Traumatic recurrent hip dislocation associated with femoral head fracturere constructed with iliac crest autograft

Hip femoral head fractures are extremely uncommon, but likely associated with traumatic hip dislocations. Both lesions require emergent treatment to avoid further complications.19-year-old male patient was received after a high-energy motor vehicle accident with severe brain an...