Results: 6

Preliminary study of rabbits as an animal model of mammalian eye transplantation and literature review

Rev. bras. oftalmol; 81 (), 2022
ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe an innovative animal model of eye transplantation used in rabbits. Methods: six Dutch-belted male rabbits were submitted to lateral orbitotomy in the right eye, wide retrobulbar anatomy exposure, dissection of the structures, identification and distal section of the optic ...

Intravitreal injection of polysorbate 80: a functional and morphological study

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 44 (6), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective : to determine the functional and morphological effects at rabbits retina of PS80 concentration used in the preparation of intravitreal drugs. Methods: eleven New Zealand rabbits received a intravitreal injection of 0.1ml of PS80. As control, the contralateral eye of each rabbit rece...

Full-field electroretinogram recorded with skin electrodes in normal adults

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 79 (6), 2016
ABSTRACT Purpose: Alternative recording methods have been tested to allow the electroretinogram (ERG) recording in uncooperative patients and/or patients with palpebral alterations, including recordings with skin electrodes. The purpose of this study was to compare ERG recorded with skin electrodes and ...

Correlación campimétrica y electrorretinográfica en la degeneración macular relacionada con la edad
Correlation in electroretinogram and perimetry related macular degeneration

Rev. mex. oftalmol; 69 (6), 1995
Se estudiaron 13 ojos de 9 pacientes con diagnóstico de degeneración macular relacionada con la edad (DMRE) y 11 ojos de 8 sujetos control de edades similares: a los que se les realizó exploración oftalmológica completa, como campimetría central, periférica y electrorretinograma (ERG). Las áreas ...

Transmitância da luz visível e bloqueio à radiaçäo ultravioleta em lentes intra-oculares com e sem absovedores de luz

Avaliaram-se níveis de transmitância à luz visível e de bloqueio à radiaçäo ultravioleta dados por blocos de polimetilmetacrilato com e sem absorvedores de luz. Os blocos constituem matrizes com as quais säo fabricados alguns tipos de lentes intra-oculares. As amostras foram fornecidas por distri...

Potencial receptor precoce no eletrorretinograma da Sula leucogaster
Early receptor potential in electroretinography of Sula leucogaster

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 50 (3), 1987
Estuda-se o ERP no ERG do atobá (Sula leucogaster). Pela primeira estuda-se este potencial e ao mesmo tempo descrevem a microscopia eletrônica da retina (camada de fotorreceptor) desta ave ...