Introducción. El yodo desempeña un rol fundamental en el metabolismo, el crecimiento y el desarrollo humano. Durante el embarazo y la infancia, la demanda de este micronutriente aumenta considerablemente. La tirotropinemia neonatal (TSHn) aumentada, definida como TSHn ≥5 mUI/l, es un marcador que seÃ...
Objective: To evaluate Di Cavalcanti’s artworks in which
goiters are represented before and after the introduction of
iodized salt to the Brazilian population. Methods: One hundred and thirty paintings by Di Cavalcanti from the 20’s to 70’s
demonstrating necks were evaluated. All the paintings w...
ABSTRACT Objective To determine the prevalence of insufficient iodine intake in pregnant women. Materials and methods The search was performed in the electronic databases Medline (PubMed), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (Lilacs) and Scopus. Review studies, experimental stu...
SUMMARY Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is the leading cause of intestinal failure in children, a condition of absence of sufficient bowel to meet the nutritional and metabolic needs of a growing individual. The treatment of patients in this situation is based on the association of parenteral and enteral nutr...
Agrupamos a los pacientes en zonas de leve, moderada y severa deficiencia de Yodo, quienes fueron operados en el H.R.H.D. , en donde podemos observar que a medida que aumenta el grado de deficiencia de Yodo, el cáncer de tiroides se torna más agresivo; el mayor número de pacientes provienen de las zon...