Results: 202

Assessing the “window of susceptibility” in measles control: The case study of Mozambique

Measles elimination has been on the World Health Organization agenda for the last fifteen years. Progress towards elimination has been made. However, it has not been uniform around the world. On the African continent, the vaccine coverage rate is the lowest in the world and the disease burden is the high...

Spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting in rural districts of Mozambique

Drug saf; 31 (10), 2008
Background: The roll out of various public health programmes involving mass administration of medicines calls for the deployment of responsive pharmacovigilance systems to permit identification of signals of rare or even common adverse reactions. In developing countries in Africa, these systems are mostl...

Plano estratégico do sector saúde 2007 -2012

Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), a Saúde é «um estado de completo bem estar físico, mental e social, e não somente ausência de doença ou de enfermidade». 2. A Saúde é um bem precioso que é necessário promover, preservar, manter e melhorar. O Artigo 89 da Constituição da Rep...

Inquérito Nacional sobre Indicadores de Malária em Mocambique (IIM-2007)

A malária ainda continua sendo um dos principais problemas de saúde pública em Moçambique. O Ministério de Saúde através do Programa Nacional de Controlo da Malária delineou estratégias para a expansão massiva de intervenções com o objectivo de acelerar a redução do peso da malária. A aval...

Management Information Systems for Drug Supplies in Public Health Facilities of Ethiopia: A Case Study of Addis Ababa Assessment and Recommendations

This thesis presents a set of recommendationsarising fromassessment of the Management Information Systems for Drug Supplies in PublicHealth Facilities of Ethiopia through a case studyfromAddis Ababa. Healthcare is one of the crucial components of basic social services that have a direct linkage to the...