Naturally acquired malaria immunity has many determinants and, in the absence of immunological markers of protection, studies assessing malaria incidence through clinical endpoints remain an approach to defining immunity acquisition. We investigated the role of age in disease incidence and th...
Age Factors,
Antigens, Protozoan/immunology,
Anemia/prevention & control,
Dapsone/therapeutic use,
Drug Therapy, Combination,
Malaria, Falciparum/immunology,
Malaria, Falciparum/prevention & control,
Malaria, Falciparum/epidemiology,
Plasmodium falciparum/immunology,
Plasmodium falciparum/drug effects,
Pyrimethamine/therapeutic use,
Treatment Outcome
Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), a Saúde é «um estado de completo
bem estar físico, mental e social, e não somente ausência de doença ou de enfermidade».
2. A Saúde é um bem precioso que é necessário promover, preservar, manter e melhorar. O
Artigo 89 da Constituição da Rep...
Moçambique encontra-se situado na costa do sudeste africano e faz fronteira com a Tanzania a Norte, o Malawi, Zâmbia, Zimbabwe a Este e África do Sul e Swazilândia a Sul. É banhado pelo Oceano Índico a Oeste que se estende ao longo da costa com cerca de 2.470 quilómetros. É uma República, indepe...
Health Information Systems,
Cause of Death,
Health Information Management,
Research Report,
Activities of Daily Living,
Family Characteristics,
Birth Registration
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of transmission on the outcome of treatment
of urinary schistosomiasis given in two different transmission seasons (high and low)
among schoolchildren in the urban and peri-urban areas of Matola and Maputo, southern
Mozambique. The results of this study are ...
Macete, Eusébio V;
Sacarlal, Jahit;
Aponte, John J;
Leach, Amanda;
Navia, Margarita M;
Milman, Jessica;
Guinovart, Caterina;
Mandomando, Inácio;
López-Púa, Yolanda;
Lievens, Marc;
Ofori, Alex Owusu;
Dubois, Marie-Claude;
Cahill, Conor P;
Koutsoukos, Marguerite;
Sillman, Marla;
Thompson, Ricardo;
Dubovsky, Filip;
Ballou, W Ripley;
Cohen, Joe;
Alonso, Pedro L.
Results: Both vaccines were safe and had similar reactogenicity profiles. All subjects with paired pre and post-vaccination
samples showed a vaccine response with respect to anti-circumsporozoite (CS) antibodies irrespective of initial anti-CS
serostatus. Geometric mean titers (GMTs) were 191 EU/ml (95...
A pancreatite aguda é uma doença inflamatória do pâncreas caracterizada por
intensa necrose pancreática e efeitos sistêmicos secundários como lesão pulmonar, os quais
são a principal causa da mortalidade observada nessa doença. Há evidências de que as
fosfolipases A2 (PLA2) têm um importante...
Pancreatitis, Acute Necrotizing,
Phospholipases A,
Blood Proteins,
Pancreatitis, Acute Necrotizing,
Necrosis/drug therapy,
Makanga, Prestige Tatenda;
Schuurman, Nadine;
Sacoor, Charfudin;
Boene, Helena Edith;
Vilanculo, Faustino;
Vidler, Marianne;
Dadelszen, Peter von;
Sevene, Esperança;
Munguambe, Khátia;
Firoz, Tabassum.
Geographic proximity to health facilities is a known determinant of access to maternal care. Methods of quantifying geographical access to care have largely ignored the impact of precipitation and flooding. Further, travel has largely been imagined as unimodal where one transport mode is used for entire ...
Macete, E;
Aponte, J. J;
Guinovart, C;
Sacarlal, J;
Ofori-Anyinam, O;
Mandomando, I;
Espasa, M;
Bevilacqua, C;
Leach, A;
Dubois, M C;
Heppner, D G;
Tello, L;
Milman, J;
Cohen, J;
Dubovsky, F;
Tornieporth, N;
Thompson, R;
Alonso, P. L.
The development of a malaria vaccine remains a public health priority for sub-Saharan Africa. RTS,S/AS02A candidate malaria vaccine has been shown to be safe and immunogenic in previous studies in adults and staggered dose-escalation studies in children in The Gambia. However, genetic features and the in...
Romagosa, cleofe;
Ordi, jaume;
Saute, francisco;
Quinto, llorenc;
Machungo, fernanda;
Ismail, mamudo R;
Carrilho, carla;
Osman, nafissa;
Alonso, pedro L;
Menendez, clara.
Objective: To evaluate the impact of malaria on maternal death through the analysis of the seasonal variations of crude and malaria-specific maternal mortality rates. Methods: All maternal deaths and live births occurring at Maputo Central Hospital, located in an urban area, between January 2001 and Dece...