Results: 8

Vigilância Combinada de Factores de Risco e Doenças Não Transmissíveis em Moçambique: Estudos de Exequibilidade
Combined Surveillance of Risk Factors and Noncommunicable Diseases in Mozambique: Feasibility Studies

Introdução: A crescente carga global de Doenças Não Transmissíveis (DNTs) exige sistemas de vigilância que permitam acompanhar as tendências e avaliar o impacto de intervenções. O objectivo destes estudos foi testar modelos de vigilância hospitalar e comunitária de factores de risco e de DNTs....

Usability and Feasibility of an Innovative mLearning Approach for Nurses Providing Option B+ Services in Manica and Sofala Provinces, Mozambique

The scaling of Option B+ services, whereby all pregnant women who test HIV positive are started on lifelong antiretroviral therapy upon diagnosis regardless of CD4 T-cell count, is ongoing in many high HIV burden, low-resource countries. We developed and evaluated a tablet-based mobile learning (mLearnin...

High prevalence of HIV, HBsAg and anti-HCV positivity among people who injected drugs: results of the first bio-behavioral survey using respondent-driven sampling in two urban areas in Mozambique

BMC infect. dis; 19 (1), 2019
Few countries in sub-Saharan Africa know the magnitude of their HIV epidemic among people who inject drugs (PWID). This was the first study in Mozambique to measure prevalence of HIV, HBV, and HCV, and to assess demographic characteristics and risk behaviors in this key population. Methods: We used resp...

Conhecimento da população urbana sobre cólera em Nampula. Moçambique

Introdução: os surtos de cólera, uma infecção bacteriana aguda intestinal causada pela ingestão de alimentos ou água contaminados com o Vibrio cholerae, devem-se a condições inadequadas de habitação, saneamento e falta de água potável. Esta doença é endémica em Moçambique, tendo ocorrido...

High Burden of HIV Infection and Risk Behaviors Among Female Sex Workers in Three Main Urban Areas of Mozambique

AIDS behav; 20 (4), 2016
This is the first integrated biological and behavioral survey among female sex workers (FSW) in Mozambique. Using respondent-driven sampling, 400, 411 and 429 FSW were enrolled respectively in Maputo, Beira and Nampula in 2011-2012. Estimates were produced using RDSAT 7.1. HIV prevalence was 31.2%, 23...

Access to HIV prevention and care for HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children: a qualitative study in rural and urban Mozambique

BMC public health (Online); 14 (1240), 2014
Background: Follow-up of HIV-exposed children for the delivery of prevention of mother-to-child transmission services and for early diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection is critical to their survival. Despite efforts, uptake of postnatal care for these children remains low in many sub-Saharan African ...

Assessment of measles immunity among infants in maputo city, mozambique

Background: The optimum age for measles vaccination varies from country to country and thus a standardized vaccination schedule is controversial. While the increase in measles vaccination coverage has produced significant changes in the epidemiology of infection, vaccination schedules have not been adjus...

Influência da actividade física e dos factores sócio-económicos sobre as componentes da estrutura do valor físicos relacionados com a saúde. estudo em crianças e jovens moçambicanos

O estudo da condição física (CF) as populações tem, nas últimas décadas. Conhecido um crescimento interessante da sua associação aos hábitos de actividade física e ao estado de saúde e bem-estar [Bouchard et al, Malina 1989]. Com efeito, às sociedades industrializadas têm- se levantado prob...