Mozambique introduced the rotarix® vaccine (gsk biologicals, rixensart, belgium) into the na-tional immunization program in september 2015. Although g1p[8] was one of the most prevalent genotypes between 2012 and 2017 in mozambique, no complete genomes had been sequenced to date. here we report whole ge...
Rotavirus (RV) is an important enteric pathogen in the young of many mammalian and avian species. The virus belongs to the Reoviridae family and contains an 11-segmented double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) genome. The dsRNA segments encode six structural (VP1–4, 6 and 7) and six non-structural (NSP1–5/6) pro...
A doença diarreica na infância constitui um importante problema de saúde
pública em Moçambique. A infecção pelo Rotavirus é a uma das causas mais comum de diarreia
aguda grave a nível mundial, sendo a diarreia terceira causa de morbi-mortalidade infantil na
maioria d...
In Mozambique rotavirus (RV) was shown to be the greatest cause of acute diarrhoea in infants from 0 to 11 months, and in 2015, national rotavirus vaccination was introduced. As with other developing countries, there is very limited active strain characterisation. Rotavirus positive clinical specimens, c...
Acute diarrhea disease caused by Rotaviruses A (RVA) is still the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children ≤5 years old in developing countries. An exploratory cross-sectional study was conducted between February and September, 2011 to determine the proportion of acute diarrhea caused by RV...
A high prevalence of G12 rotavirus strains has previously been reported in southern Mozambique. In this study, the full genomes of five Mozambican G12 strains were determined directly from stool using an Illumina Miseq platform. One sample (0060) contained an intergenogroup co-infection of a G12P[8] Wa-l...