Resultados: 1300

The Community-Level Interventions for Pre-eclampsia (CLIP) cluster randomised trials in Mozambique, Pakistan, and India: an individual participant-level meta-analysis

Lancet; 396 (10250), 2020
To overcome the three delays in triage, transport and treatment that underlie adverse pregnancy outcomes, we aimed to reduce all-cause adverse outcomes with community-level interventions targeting women with pregnancy hypertension in three low-income countries. Methods: In this individual participant-lev...

Molecular epidemiology of rotavirus a strains pre- and post-vaccine (rotarix®) introduction in mozambique, 2012–2019: emergence of genotypes g3p[4] and g3p[8]

PloS pathog; 9 (), 2020
Group A rotavirus (RVA) remains the most important etiological agent associated with severe acute diarrhea in children. Rotarix® monovalent vaccine was introduced into Mozambique’s Expanded Program on Immunization in September 2015. In the present study, we report the diversity and prevalence of rotav...

Whole genome characterization and evolutionary analysis of g1p[8] rotavirus a strains during the pre- and post-vaccine periods in mozambique (2012–2017)

PloS pathog; 9 (), 2020
Mozambique introduced the rotarix® vaccine (gsk biologicals, rixensart, belgium) into the na-tional immunization program in september 2015. Although g1p[8] was one of the most prevalent genotypes between 2012 and 2017 in mozambique, no complete genomes had been sequenced to date. here we report whole ge...

A multiphase program for malaria elimination in southern Mozambique (the Magude project): A before-after study

PloS med; 17 (8), 2020
Background: Malaria eradication remains the long-term vision of the World Health Organization (WHO). However, whether malaria elimination is feasible in areas of stable transmission in sub-Saharan Africa with currently available tools remains a subject of debate. This study aimed to evaluate a multiphase...

Discordant retention of HIV-infected mothers and children: Evidence for a family-based approach from Southern Mozambique

Medicine (Baltimore); 99 (32), 2020
It is often assumed that children and their caregivers either stay in care together or discontinue together, but data is lacking on caregiver–child retention concordance. We sought to describe the pattern of care among a cohort of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected children and mothers enrolle...

Covariates and spatial interpolation of hiv screening in mozambique: insight from the 2015 aids indicator survey

Examinamos os fatores associados ao rastreamento do vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) e desenvolvemos um mapa de superfície de prevalência de rastreamento de HIV usando técnicas de interpolação espacial para identificar as áreas geográficas com as maiores e menores taxas de rastreamento de ...

10º Anuário Estatístico sobre Recursos Humanos para a Saúde em Moçambique - 2019
10th Statistical Yearbook on Human Resources for Health in Mozambique - 2019

O Plano Estratégico do Sector da Saúde (2015 – 2019), foi elaborado face aos desafios que se colocam ao sector, com vista a atingir os Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, através dos principais indicadores de saúde. O país tem registado melhorias significativas dos seus indicadores de saú...

12º Anuário estatístico sobre recursos humanos para a saúde em moçambique – 2021
12th Yearbook statistical yearbook on human resources for health in mozambique - 2021

O Plano Estratégico do Sector da Saúde (2015 – 2019), foi elaborado face aos desafios que se colocam ao sector, com vista a atingir os Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, através dos principais indicadores de saúde. O país tem registado melhorias significativas dos seus indicadores de saú...

Caracterização molecular enterovĺrus detectados em crianças com diarreia aguda e amostras ambientais em Moçambique
Molecular characterization of enteroviruses detected in children with acute diarrhea and environmental samples in Mozambique

Os enterovírus (EV) são vírus de transmissão predominantemente entérica, presentes em todas as partes do mundo e são agentes etiológicos de infecções que variam de casos assintomáticos a casos de gastroenterite aguda (GA) e infecções no sistema nervoso central. Devido aos diferentes rumos que...

Quality assurance for point-of-care testing in Mozambique’s National Health Service

Medical care in Mozambique is mostly provided through the national health service of the Ministry of Health. All primary healthcare and HIV-related services are provided free of charge. There are over 1500 public sector health facilities in Mozambique and most of these are primary healthcare centres. Alt...