Total: 1827

Discussão Integrada de Casos Clínicos Usando Plataformas Digitais Durante a Pandemia da COVID-19
Integrated Discussion of Clinical Cases Using Digital Platforms During the COVID-19 pandemic

A pandemia da COVID-19, causada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2 ou Novo Coronavírus, vem produzindo repercussões não apenas de ordem biomédica e epidemiológica em escala global, como também impactos sociais, económicos, políticos, culturais e históricos sem precedentes na história recente das epidemias,...

Malaria prevention knowledge, attitudes, and practices in Zambezia Province, Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 20 (293), 2021
Background: In Mozambique, socio-economic and cultural factors influence the wide adoption of disease preventive measures that are relevant for malaria control strategies to promote early recognition of disease, prompt seeking of medical care, sleeping under insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), and taking i...

Community acceptability to antimalarial mass drug administrations in Magude district, Southern Mozambique: A mixed methods study

PLos ONE; 16 (3), 2021
Background This study aimed to capture the acceptability prior to, during and after the implementation of the first year of MDA rounds conducted under the Magude project, a malaria elimination project in southern Mozambique. Methods This was amixed-methods study, consisting of focus group discussions (FG...

Communicative trust in therapeutic encounters: users’ experiences in public healthcare facilities and community pharmacies in Maputo, Mozambique

Soc. sci. med; 291 (114512), 2021
Interactions between healthcare users and providers are an essential but often problematic element in therapeutic processes. In many settings worldwide, there has been a general recognition of the importance of adopting care approaches that understand patients as active agents, moving away from tradition...

People's willingness and determinants to use selected tele-consultation public health services in Mozambique

Background: To achieve universal health coverage by 2030, sub-Saharan African countries are planning to develop large scale tele-consultation public health services. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the level of peoples’ willingness to use this kind of tele-health services. To address th...

Guião de oferta da proflaxia pré-exposição ao HIV, 2021
National Survey on Malaria Indicators (IIM) 2018

Dados globais do HIV indicam que em 2019, ocorreram cerca de 1.7 milhões de novas infecções pelo HIV e que 75.5 milhões de pessoas foram infectadas desde o início da epidemia á 4 décadas (Relatório ONUSIDA, 2020 ). Destas, 61% ocorreram na Africa sub-sahariana. Os resultados das estimativas 2021 ...

Triangulação da qualidade dos dados em mortes materna e neonatais
Triagunlation of data quality in maternal and neonatal deaths

A mortalidade materna é uma preocupação mundial que levou as Nações Unidas a definir a meta para a sua redução nos Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio (Redução da Mortalidade Materna em 3/4 em relação a 1990 e 2015) (WHO 2015), e reforçado nos Objectivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável ...

Aceitabilidade da vacina contra o sars-cov-2: um inquerto exploratorio de avalicao rapida em mocambique
Acceptability of the sars-cov-2 vaccine: an exploratory rapid assessment survey in Mozambique

O novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2) causou uma pandemia que vem desestabilizando a saúde, economia e a circulação de indivíduos mundialmente. Os primeiros casos de COVID-19 foram detectados na China e declarada como pandemia em Março de 2020. Até o momento atingiu mais de 151 milhões de pessoas pelo ...

Low engagement in HIV services and progress through the treatment cascade among key populations living with HIV in Mozambique: alarming gaps in knowledge of status

Mozambique has a generalized HIV epidemic of 13.5% among the general population. Early modeling exercises in Mozambique estimate that key populations (KP), defined as men who have sex with men (MSM), female sex workers (FSW), and people who inject drugs (PWID), along with their partners account for about...