Resultados: 5

Importância de expandir e melhorar os CAIVV (centros de atendimento integrado às vítimas de violência) na cidade de maputo
Importance of expanding and improving the CAIVV (centers for integrated assistance to victims of victims of violence) in the city of maputo

Estimativas globais mostram que 30% das mulheres e raparigas já foram vítimas de violência física e/ou sexual. Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS, 2018), a Violência Contra a Mulher (VCM) praticada pelo parceiro íntimo (física, sexual ou psicológica) é a mais endémica e situa-se em ...

Medical curricula on intimate partner violence in mozambique

Acta med. port; 33 (1), 2020
Introduction: The aim of the study described in this paper is to screen medical curricula in relation to the attention paid to intimate partner violence, by applying a framework derived from the international literature. Material and Methods: We screened curricula of five Mozambican medical schools based...

Risk factors associated with high prevalence of intimate partner violence amongst school-going young women (aged 15-24years) in Maputo, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 15 (12), 2020
Background: In many countries, there is evidence that intimate partner violence is prevalent among young women. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and the factors associated with intimate partner violence in young women (aged 15-24 years) attending secondary schools in Maputo, Mozambique. Metho...

Mapping evidence of socio-cultural factors in intimate partner violence among young women: a scoping review protocol

Syst. rev; 8 (1), 2019
Background: Intimate partner violence among young women continues to be a worldwide concern. Globally, a considerable number of studies reported numerous factors that influence intimate partner violence among the young. The proposed scoping review aims to map available evidence of socio-cultural factors ...

Women as victims and perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Maputo City, Mozambique: Occurrence, nature and effects

Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is a widespread bad behavior, and its effects on women’s lives encompass injuries, mental ill-health, decreased intimacy, and a financial burden. Growing evidence indicates that women also abuse their intimate male partners. The role of controll...