Results: 377

Workplace violence in the health sector: validez y adaptación del instrumento al idioma español, en el contexto ecuatoriano para tipos de violencia
Workplace violence in the health sector: adaptation and validation of the questionnaire for types of violence in the ecuadorian context

Horiz. enferm; 31 (1), 2020
Uno de los objetivos de la encuesta “Workplace Violence in the Health Sector” es investigar los factores que pueden contribuir a la violencia en el lugar de trabajo en el sector de salud en varios países del mundo para la toma de políticas públicas apropiadas. A pesar de que el inglés sea un idio...

Linguistic and cultural adaptation to the Portuguese language of antimicrobial dose adjustment software

ABSTRACT Objective To adapt an antibiotic dose adjustment software initially developed in English, to Portuguese and to the Brazilian context. Methods This was an observational, descriptive study in which the Delphi method was used to establish consensus among specialists from different health areas,...

Cross-cultural adaptation and semantic validation of an instrument to identify palliative requirements in Portuguese

ABSTRACT Objective To translate and make cross-cultural adaptation of NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© tool to Portuguese, and to analyze its semantic validity. Methods A methodological research about NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© tool cross-cultural adaptation, translated from Spanish into Portuguese and measurement of sema...

Goiter in Brazilian modernism paintings

Objective: To evaluate Di Cavalcanti’s artworks in which goiters are represented before and after the introduction of iodized salt to the Brazilian population. Methods: One hundred and thirty paintings by Di Cavalcanti from the 20’s to 70’s demonstrating necks were evaluated. All the paintings w...

Cross-cultural adaptation of the Zero Mothers Die (ZMD App) in Brazil: contributing to digital health with the approach on care centred for e-pregnant woman

Abstract Objectives: to describe the adaptation process of the Zero Mothers Die app, developed in Europe, is to combat maternal mortality, was brought into the Brazilian context with an individualized auscultation methodology for pregnant women and mothers who attended a high complexity referred teachin...

Analysis of quality of life in older adults in the Czech Republic and Brazil - a systematic review

Rev. Kairós; 22 (4), 2019
The objective of this study was to search for original articles that approach the Brazilian and Czech  elderly's quality of life in different dimensions. A systematic review was developed and the searches were carried out in Pub-Med/MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO and PsycINFO databases. The quests were perform...

Adaptación transcultural al español de la escala Distress Management del NCCN versión 2. 2018 para su utilización en pacientes oncológicos en Colombia.
Transcultural adaptation to spanish of the Distress Management NCCN scale version 2.2018 for use in cancer patients in Colombia

Rev. colomb. cancerol; 23 (4), 2019
Resumen Antecedentes: Los pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer presentan niveles significativos de malestar emocional relacionados con la enfermedad oncológica. El termómetro de malestar emocional (Distress Management) es una herramienta diseñada por la National Comprehensive Cáncer Network (NCCN)...

Engajamento, aparência e significados: a performance de idosas brasileiras e espanholas

Rev. Kairós; 22 (26, n.esp.), 2019
O artigo apresenta uma caracterização, e comparação etnográfica, sobre a relação entre engajamento social, construção da aparência e significados entre longevas brasileiras e espanholas, de baixas renda e escolaridade. Constatou-se mais semelhanças que diferenças entre os grupos. De modo gera...

Bifactor invariance analysis of student conceptions of assessment inventory

Psico USF; 24 (4), 2019
Student conceptions of the purposes of assessment are an important aspect of self-regulated learning. This study advances our understanding of the Student Conceptions of Assessment Inventory (SCoA) by examining the generalizability of the factorial structure of the SCoA using bifactor analysis and conduc...

Adaptação transcultural para a língua portuguesa do The Body-related Self-Conscious Emotions Fitness Instrument (BSE-FIT)

Resumo O objetivo do presente estudo foi adaptar transculturalmente o instrumento "The Body-related Self-Conscious Emotions Fitness Instrument (BSE-FIT)" para a língua portuguesa brasileira. O processo de adaptação envolveu as seguintes etapas: tradução do BSE-FIT para a língua portuguesa; avaliaç...