Results: 361

Rastreamento clínico e nutricional de gestantes de alto risco na estratégia de saúde da família de Santa Quitéria - CE

Considera-se gestação de alto risco quando a mulher apresenta comorbidade materna e/ou condição sociobiológica que levam as chances de ocorrer alguma intercorrência na evolução natural da gravidez, como hipertensão arterial, diabetes, anemia, alcoolismo e obesidade. É de grande importância o a...

Relationship of vitamin D intake and sun exposure with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin-D in schoolchildren with obesity

Arch. latinoam. nutr; 72 (2), 2022
The obesity worldwide has produced an increase in obesity-related diseases and can be associated with low concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin-D. Also obesity and low physical activity can decrease sun exposure, so the aim was to correlate vitamin D intake with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin-D levels and to asse...

Situación de sobrepeso y obesidad en Honduras: revisión bibliográfica
Situation of overweight and obesity in Honduras: bibliographic review

Actualmente el número de personas obesas en el mundo duplica el número de personas con bajo peso. Honduras es un país altamente afectado por la pobreza y altos niveles de inseguridad alimentaria. Los problemas de nutrición incluyen desnutrición, deficiencia de micronutrientes y creciente prevalencia...

Características y desenlace clínico de 30 pacientes con hemopatías malignas y COVID-19 en un hospital público regional

Rev. méd. Chile; 150 (5), 2022
BACKGROUND: COVID-19 infection can be especially severe in certain risk populations such as patients with hematologic malignancies. Aim: To describe the characteristics and clinical outcomes of a population of patients with hematologic malignancies and COVID-19. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Review of medical re...

¿Cuándo sospechar hipogonadismo en un paciente con disfunción eréctil?
When to suspect hypogonadism in a patient with erectile dysfunction?

Síndrome metabólico, un factor de riesgo en pacientes de COVID-19
Metabolic syndrome: A factor of risk in patient of COVID-19

Rev. medica electron; 44 (1), 2022
RESUMEN El síndrome metabólico comprende un conjunto de factores de riesgo cardiovascular estrechamente asociado a la obesidad y la resistencia a la insulina, que propicia la aparición de enfermedad cardiovascular y diabetes mellitus tipo 2, cuya prevalencia se incrementa a nivel mundial, provocando u...

Caracterización epidemiológica de pacientes diabéticos e hipertensos en consultorio en Quinta Normal, 2018-2019

Rev. méd. Chile; 150 (1), 2022
BACKGROUND: Hypertension and diabetes are highly prevalent conditions in Chilean adults. AIM: To describe the demographic and clinical profiles, risk factors and complications associated with arterial hypertension (AH) and diabetes mellitus (DM) in patients ascribed to a cardiovascular health program at ...

Downer cow syndrome causing rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure in a 17-month-old Guzerá heifer

Ciênc. rural (Online); 52 (2), 2022
The downer cow syndrome (DCS) is characterized by an alert cow showing inability or reluctance to stand for 12 hours or more. This paper reported clinical, laboratory, and pathological findings in a Guzerá heifer with rhabdomyolysis, pigmenturia and acute renal failure following DCS. A 17-month-old Guze...

Obesity and COVID-19 in-hospital fatality in southern Brazil: impact by age and skin color

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES To estimate the relative risk (RR) of death associated with obesity, the attributable fraction in the exposed/with obesity (AFo), and the hospitalized population attributable risk (hospitalized PAR) associated with obesity of death among all adults and among Black and non-Black adul...