Results: 974

Mujeres chilenas en edad fértil: su estado nutricional y la asociación con actividad física y hábitos alimentarios

Rev. méd. Chile; 145 (2), 2017
Background: Women in Chile are mainly responsible in the formation of eating habits in the population, particularly at their homes. Aim: To explore the association of physical activity and alimentary habits with overweight among adult Chilean women in fertile age. Material and Methods: Cross sectional st...

Accuracy of different cutoff points of body mass index to identify overweight according to body fat values estimated by DEXA

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 93 (1), 2017
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of different cutoff points of body mass index for predicting overweight/obesity according to body fat values estimated by DEXA among Brazilian adolescents. Methods: Cross-sectional study including 229 male adolescents aged 10-15 years, in...

Physical self-efficacy is associated to body mass index in schoolchildren

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 93 (1), 2017
Abstract: Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between physical self-efficacy and body mass index in a large sample of schoolchildren. Methods: The Perceived Physical Ability Scale for Children was administered to 1560 children (50.4% boys; 8-12 years) from three different...

Excess weight in preschool children: The role of food intake

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 30 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: The study aimed to compare the food intake of overweight/obese and normal weight preschoolers and to verify whether excess weight is associated with low birth weight, catch-up growth, early weaning, and physical activity/inactivity Methods: This case-control study was conducted in f...

Excessive maternal weight and practice of exclusive breastfeeding among women of low socioeconomic status

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 30 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the impact of excessive maternal weight on the early discontinuation of exclusive breastfeeding Methods: This is a longitudinal study including mother-infant dyads of low socioeconomic status receiving prenatal care in Health Care Centers in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande d...

Overweight and obesity in preschoolers: Prevalence and relation to food consumption

Summary Objective: To determine overweight and obesity prevalence in preschool children from public education, and to determine their relation to food consumption. Method: Cross-sectional study with children aged between 2 and 5 years, of both sexes, enrolled at municipal day care centers. Socioeconomi...

Prevalência de Hipertensão em Crianças de Escolas Públicas

Fundamentos: Há uma discrepância entre protocolos utilizados para o diagnóstico da hipertensão infantil, sendo o mais indicado a aferição da pressão arterial em pelo menos três momentos distintos. Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência de hipertensão arterial em crianças, e realizar associação ...

Evaluation of clinical and laboratory markers of cardiometabolic risk in overweight and obese children and adolescents

Clinics; 72 (1), 2017
OBJECTIVE: This study analyzed the frequency of cardiometabolic risk markers and metabolic syndrome occurrence in overweight and obese children and adolescents. METHODS: The participants included 161 overweight (n=65) and obese (n=96) individuals aged between 5 and 19 years. Clinical markers were assess...

Índice de massa corporal autorreferido e fatores associados em adultos jovens

Objetivo: Verificar a associação do IMC autorreferido às variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com 357 adultos, de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 20 a 35 anos. A variável dependente foi o IMC autorreferido. Aplicaram-se técnicas de estatística descritiv...

Estado nutricional antropométrico e associação com pressão arterial em crianças e adolescentes: um estudo populacional

OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o estado nutricional de crianças e de adolescentes por meio de indicadores antropométricos e avaliar a associação desses resultados com a pressão arterial. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos neste estudo crianças e adolescentes entre quatro e 19 anos de idade, oriundos de escolas rurais ...