Os Ensaios Clínicos constituem investigações científicas cruciais, realizadas em seres humanos, para avaliar a segurança e a eficácia de produtos farmacêuticos e tecnologias de saúde. Esses estudos envolvem a administração de produtos experimentais a pacientes e voluntários saudáveis, gerando...
Objetivo: No sentido de avaliar e implementar um programa de qualidade nos cuidados especializados prestados aos doentes oncológicos, que necessitam de intervenções cirúrgicas no Departamento Cirúrgico do Hospital Central de Maputo (HCM), o maior hospital de Moçambique, conduzimos a presente invest...
Surgical Oncology/methods,
General Surgery/instrumentation,
Chancre/drug therapy,
Surgery Department, Hospital/organization & administration,
Job Application,
Surgical Procedures, Operative/rehabilitation,
Health Resources/economics,
African People,
Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging,
Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data
Em 2018 foi realizado o Inventário Nacional sobre a Disponibilidade e Prontidão de Infra-estruturas,
Recursos e Serviços de Saúde (SARA), implementado pelo Instituto Nacional de Saúde com base na
!"#$%$&$'() %) *+'),(-)./$ 01,%()& %) 2)3%"4 5 6&),(78)./$ %)9 )8#(:(%)%"9 %" +"8$&;) %" %)%$9
foi supor...
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is associated with negative physical and mental health outcomes. Although maternal health services, especially antenatal care (ANC), can act as a link to IPV resources, women experiencing IPV likely have reduced uptake of ANC due to
social and emotional barriers. Poor ANC ...
Maternal Health Services,
Health Resources,
Prenatal Care,
Ambulatory Care,
Gender-Based Violence/statistics & numerical data,
Gender-Based Violence/psychology,
Gender-Based Violence/prevention & control,
Postnatal Care
There has been increasing recognition of the disparities in surgical care throughout the world. Increasingly, efforts are being made to improve local infrastructure and training of surgeons in low-income settings. The purpose of this study was to review the first 5-years of a global aca-demic pediatric g...
Hyle, emily, p;
Jani, ilesh, v;
Lehe, jonathan;
Su, amanda, e;
Wood, robin;
Quevedo, jorge;
Losina, elena;
Bassett, ingrid, v;
Pei, pamela, p;
Paltiel, a, david;
Resch, stephen;
Freedberg, kenneth, a;
Peter, trevor;
Walensky, rochelle, p.
Background: Point-of-care CD4 tests at HIV diagnosis could improve linkage to care in resource-limited settings. Our objective is to evaluate the clinical and economic impact of point-of-care CD4 tests compared to laboratory-based tests in Mozambique.
Methods and findings: We use a validated model of HIV...
CD4 Lymphocyte Count/economics,
CD4 Lymphocyte Count/methods,
Cost-Benefit Analysis/economics,
Cost-Benefit Analysis/methods,
HIV Infections/diagnosis,
HIV Infections/epidemiology,
HIV Infections/economics,
Health Care Costs,
Health Resources/economics,
Point-of-Care Systems/economics
Background: Primary health care is recognized as a main driver of equitable health service delivery. For it to
function optimally, routine health information systems (HIS) are necessary to ensure adequate provision of health
care and the development of appropriate health policies. Concerns about the qual...
Primary Health Care,
Data Accuracy,
Prenatal Care,
Health Surveys,
Health Facilities,
Health Policy,
Health Resources,
Health Services,
Health Information Systems,
HIV Testing,
This thesis presents a set of recommendations arising from assessment of the Management Information Systems for Drug Supplies in Public Health Facilities of Ethiopia through a case study from Addis Ababa.
Healthcare is one of the crucial components of basic social services that have a direct linkage to t...
O trabalho e a reflexão sobre as problemáticas dos Recursos Humanos da Saúde (RHS) no sistema de saúde em Moçambique é surpreendente. Moçambique pode-se orgulhar de inovações que têm conduzido, de uma forma sustentada, a uma melhoria, que vai ao encontro das suas metas. Muito tem sido alcançad...
Health Resources,
Health Services,
Growth and Development,
Health Policy,
World Health Organization,
Public Sector,
Private Sector,
Socioeconomic Factors,
Health Profile
This paper summarises the research done in Mozambique in 1996-1998 as a part of the INCO.De roiect "Health Sector Reform: Coping strategies and profession identy of primary health care clinicians in Mozambique and South Africa´´.
Mozambican health care providers use a vast array of coping strategies to...