Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), a Saúde é «um estado de completo
bem estar físico, mental e social, e não somente ausência de doença ou de enfermidade».
2. A Saúde é um bem precioso que é necessário promover, preservar, manter e melhorar. O
Artigo 89 da Constituição da Rep...
The thesis presents an in –depth theoretically informed empirical analysis of the efforts to introduce computer-based health information systems in disadvantaged health districts of Mozambique ,Situated Within the umbrella of the Health information Systems program (HISP) action research framework, the ...
To assess STD management in primary healthcare facilities where STD clinics and syndromic management guidelines had been introduced.
Methods: In 26 health facilities in selected sites, we observed management of all STD patients presenting in the adult general or STD clinic. We assessed the referral syst...
Ambulatory Care,
Condoms/statistics & numerical data,
Primary Health Care,
Health/statistics & numerical data,
House Calls,
Health Education/methods,
Health Promotion/methods,
Primary Health Care/organization & administration,
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/therapy,
Patients/statistics & numerical data,
Referral and Consultation/organization & administration,
Referral and Consultation/statistics & numerical data,
This paper summarises the research done in Mozambique in 1996-1998 as a part of the INCO.De roiect "Health Sector Reform: Coping strategies and profession identy of primary health care clinicians in Mozambique and South Africa´´.
Mozambican health care providers use a vast array of coping strategies to...
O Sector de Saúde Moçambicano tem sido objecto de mudanças a um ritmo assinalável desde 1992, ano de assinatura de Acordo de Paz. A recuperação que se seguiu, não é só o desafio de reconstrução daquilo que fora perdido, mas também o ter presente os desafios contemporâneos, nomeadamente, nova...
State Health Plans,
Strategic Planning,
National Health Programs,
Health Services Programming,
Advisory Committees,
Primary Health Care,
Economic Cooperation,
Public Sector,
Private Sector,
Technical Cooperation
Consensus Development Conferences as Topic,
Primary Health Care/classification,
Health Services Accessibility,
Hospitals, State,
Medical Assistance,
Health Sector Stewardship and Governance,
Clinical Competence,
Advisory Committees,
Health Facilities,
When Mozambique became independent in 1975, the country was one
of the poorest countries in the world. Most of the people lived
~ in extreme poverty and were illiterate, with an illiteracy rate
' that was in between 85-90%;(UNDP,1993) The people suffered from preventable ,communicable diseases, with
Com a evolução da ciência, com a permuta de conhecimentos entre os países e povos, com as investigações em torno da História Natural da Doença (HND) e dos níveis de prevenção Medicina Preventiva avança e o conceito de Saúde evolui deixando de ser apenas a ausência da doença ou enfermidade....