Total: 1827

Management Information Systems for Drug Supplies in Public Health Facilities of Ethiopia: A Case Study of Addis Ababa Assessment and Recommendations

This thesis presents a set of recommendationsarising fromassessment of the Management Information Systems for Drug Supplies in PublicHealth Facilities of Ethiopia through a case studyfromAddis Ababa. Healthcare is one of the crucial components of basic social services that have a direct linkage to the...

Epidemiologia do Trauma na Infância na Cidade de Maputo

Milhões de crianças em todo o mundo, morrem por causas que poderiam ser prevenidas, tendo como contribuintes importantes o trauma e a violência. Em Moçambique embora o peso da doença na criança seja dominado por infecções, o trauma é tido como uma das mais importantes causas preveníveis de mort...

Challenges to the Scaling of Computer- Based Patient Record System for Antiretroviral Therapy Program in Ethiopia

Drawing upon interpretive paradigm and an action research approach, this study investigated the challenges to the scaling of computer-based health information systems in the public health sector of Ethiopia. The research was situated within a broader action research project by HISP (Health Information Sy...

Management Information Systems for Drug Supplies in Public Health Facilities of Ethiopia: A Case Study of Addis Ababa Assessment and Recommendations

This thesis presents a set of recommendations arising from assessment of the Management Information Systems for Drug Supplies in Public Health Facilities of Ethiopia through a case study from Addis Ababa. Healthcare is one of the crucial components of basic social services that have a direct linkage to t...

Seven years of regional malaria control collaboration--Mozambique, South Africa, and Swaziland

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 76 (1), 2007

Antimicrobial resistance of Vibrio cholerae O1 serotype Ogawa isolated in Manhic¸a District Hospital, southern Mozambique

J. antimicrob. chemother; 60 (3), 2007
Since the seventh pandemic caused by Vibrio cholerae biotype El Tor began in Indonesia in 1961, most regions of the world continue to report cholera outbreaks.1 Cholera is most common in rural areas or communities where sanitation conditions and water supply are problematic.2 In 1997, a cholera epidemic ...

“A epidemia pelo HIV/AIDS e suas repercussões sobre a saúde da população moçambicana (1986 a 2003)”
The hiv/aids epidemic and its repercussions on the health of the mozambican population (1986 to 2003)

Em 1997, data do último censo, a população moçambicana era em número de 16.099.246 habitantes. Segundo as estimativas do Instituto Nacional de Estatística em Moçambique (INE) referente a 2005, a população moçambicana é de 19.420.036 habitantes. Moçambique situa-se na faixa sul-oriental do Con...

Teses de doutoramento de moçambicanos e sobre moçambique

Na altura da Independência nacional, o País tinha apenas umas poucas dezenas de moçambicanos com formação superior. Hoje temos vários milhares de licenciados, centenas de mestrados e mais de 300 doutorados nacionais. O País independente investiu na formação de quadros. As centenas de doutorados ...

Community response to intermittent preventive treatment delivered to infants (IPTi) through the EPI system in Manhiça, Mozambique

Trop. med. int. health; 11 (11), 2006
Objective: To describe attitudes to the expanded programme on immunization (EPI) and intermittent preventive treatment in infants (IPTi), and perceptions of the relationship between them. In particular, whether the introduction of IPTi negatively affects community attitudes to, or use of, EPI; or, conver...