Results: 967

Commerce in health services in North America within the context of the North American Free Trade Agreement

This article discusses the future of commercial trade in personal health services in North America within the context of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the latter’s potential influence on health care for the Mexican people. It begins by defining concepts related to international tr...

El sistema de salud del Canadá y su financiamiento

This work stems from a brief visit in 1993 to the Canadian health services as part of the PAHO International Health Training Program and the subsequent research, discussion, and analysis relating to that experience. By no means is this paper an exhaustive account of the system, but rather a close look at...

La fragmentacion de los sistemas nacionales de salud

The nationalistic tendencies observed in the world today, rooted in ethnic and ancestral cultural values that do not necessarily coincide with the physical boundaries of countries, have an enormous influence on societal organization, the distribution of wealth, and the processes of decentralization being...

Primer ciclo de conferencias de alto nivel: la seguridad social en Iberoámerica, al término del Siglo XX

Memoria de los trabajos presentados durante el "Primer ciclo de conferencias de alto nivel. La seguridad social en Iberoamérica, al término del Siglo XX", donde el objetivo principal fue el de discutir los cambios y las transformaciones realizadas en las instituciones latinoamericanas, para se brinden ...