Resultados: 86

Barriers to Health Care in Rural Mozambique: A Rapid Ethnographic Assessment of Planned Mobile Health Clinics for ART

Background: In Mozambique, 1.6 million people are living with HIV, and over 60% of the population lives in rural areas lacking access to health services. Mobile health clinics, implemented in 2013 in 2 provinces, are beginning to offer antiretroviral therapy (ART) and basic primary care services. Prior t...

Mid-Level Healthcare Personnel Training: An Evaluation of the Revised, Nationally-Standardized, Pre-Service Curriculum for Clinical Officers in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 9 (7), 2014
Mozambique suffers from a critical shortage of healthcare workers. Mid-level healthcare workers, (Tecnicos de Medicina Geral (TMG)), in Mozambique require less money and time to train than physicians. From 2009-2010, the Mozambique Ministry of Health (MoH) and the International Training and Education Cen...

Vulnerabilidade de género e infecção pelo HIV: percepções de pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS e de profissionais de saúde da cidade de Maputo, Moçambique

Em Moçambique, segundo estudo do Instituto Nacional de Saúde publicado em 2009, embora se observe uma tendência à estabilização, a prevalência do HIV/aids na população adulta de 15-49 anos é de 11,5%, sendo superior nas mulheres (13,1%), comparativamente aos homens (9,2%). Outro aspecto da soci...

Qualitative evaluation of a Positive Prevention training for health care providers in Mozambique

The rapid scale-up of HIV care and treatment in Mozambique has provided an opportunity to reach people living with HIV (PLHIV) with prevention interventions in HIV care and treatment settings. A three-day Positive Prevention (PP) training intervention for health care providers that focused on pressing is...

Manual do terceiro curso de capacitação de inspectores do ministério da saúde para a área de farmácia

As mudanças ocorridas na Política de economia do País, passados dez anos pósindependência, a economia de mercado e a liberalização de actividade económica condicionaram inevitavelmente a Política de Saúde. A área farmacêutica representa o típico Mercado Imperfeito, por regra, o utilizador n...

Consensus on context-specific strategies for reducing the stigma of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in Zambézia Province, Mozambique

Sahara J (Online); 10 (3-4), 2013
Stigma has been implicated in poor outcomes of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) care. Reducing stigma is important for HIV prevention and long-term treatment success. Although stigma reduction interventions are conducted in Mozambique, little is known about the...

Representações Sociais de Doença Mental: Um Estudo Exploratório com Leigos, Profissionais de Saúde e Curandeiros em Maputo

What is now referred to by western societies as mental illness, was - and in some way still is – understood along the centuries using different interpretations. Associated with each of these interpretations are specifically, an historic moment, and cultural meanings vast and complex. The concentrati...